Student Behavioral Contracts…Do you need one?

Teacher Show Me the World Podcast Episode 4: Student Behavioral Contracts....Do You Need One?
Betsy Rybarczyk

My sister, who is leading a trip this summer, called me and told me one of her students was caught doing some pretty bad things, and she wondered what she should do. The first question out of my mouth was, “Do you have a student behavioral contract?”. If I was to ask you the same question, what would you say? Are you set up to hold your students accountable for any wrong action before or during your trip?

This episode explains why it is so critical to have clear expectations set up before and during your students’ trip abroad. In addition, hear real life stories of students breaking their contract and the consequences that followed.

This episode answers the questions:

  • What is a behavioral contract for student travel?

  • Why is a behavioral contract important?

  • When do you have your students and parents sign the contract?

  • What should a behavioral contract include?

  • How do you write a behavioral contract?(Click here to access a free and fully editable behavioral student contract.)

  • How to utilize a student behavioral contract when your trips are school sponsored or non-school sponspored

  • To learn more about the “How To’s” of student behavioral contracts by reading my recent blog post on the subject.

Have you always wanted to travel the world with your students , but you don’t know where to begin? CLICK HERE to learn how to take your students on an adventure of a lifetime!

Are you already a teacher who shows your students the world? Be sure to check out these free educational travel resources to help you show your students the world.

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How to Choose the Best Chaperones for Your Next Trip and Define Their Role and Expectations While on Tour


Episode 3: Loyalty Tours (Which Tour to Choose and How and When to Sign-Up)