Episode 3: Loyalty Tours (Which Tour to Choose and How and When to Sign-Up)

For months, if not years, you have poured your heart and soul into creating a world travel program at your school where you show your students the world.

Unless you have been a group leader, no one really understands the work that is involved in taking a group of students abroad. That is why EF Tours reward their amazing Group Leaders by hosting these 5-Star Loyalty Tours. They do this as a way to say’ “Thank you” for all of their hard work.

In this episode you will learn exactly what a Loyalty tour is, who qualifies, what the destinations are for the upcoming 2024-2025 tours, how to sig-up, and when.

Be sure to set your alarms for when you can sign-up because you won’t want to miss out on these amazing destinations!

Have you always wanted to travel the world with your students , but you don’t know where to begin? CLICK HERE to learn how to take your students on an adventure of a lifetime!

Are you already a teacher who shows your students the world? Be sure to check out these free educational travel resources to help you show your students the world.

Join our FaceBook Group of like-minded teachers and connect, learn from and be inspired by other teachers who show their students the world.


Student Behavioral Contracts…Do you need one?


Episode 2: Fundraising Ideas for Students to Travel Abroad