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A Four Step Marketing Strategy to Ignite Participation in Your World Travel Program
Teacher Show Me The World Teacher Show Me The World

A Four Step Marketing Strategy to Ignite Participation in Your World Travel Program

Do you struggle with recruiting students to join your trips? Do you struggle advertising your world travel program because your administration is not supportive of what you are doing? When it comes to growing your world travel program and recruiting students for your trip, you need to gain a fresh perspective and look at your world travel program through the lenses of marketing a business.

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Discovering Hidden Gems While on Tour
Teacher Show Me The World Teacher Show Me The World

Discovering Hidden Gems While on Tour

Florence, Italy....home of the Renaissance and countless geniuses such as Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Dante, Machiavelli, Botticelli, and the list goes on. If only the walls could talk, they would have endless tales to tell.

This episode is about going beyond the typical tourist attractions and discovering something new, and sharing it with your students during your next visit to Florence.

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Navigating the TSA and Security With Your Students
Teacher Show Me The World Teacher Show Me The World

Navigating the TSA and Security With Your Students

I had the amazing opportunity to receive an insider’s view of taking students through Airport Security and TSA. Nicole Dykhouse has worked for the TSA for 22 years and shares two decades worth of wisdom.

I learned so much from our conversation that will make my students’ experience going through security seamless.

Nicole will share about travel resources like My TSA App, SunFlower PASS for students with special needs, Parent Gate Pass, and more.

If you want a seamless Departure Day with your students then be sure to listen.

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What Every Tour Director Wished Their Group Leader Knew Before They Arrived
Teacher Show Me The World Teacher Show Me The World

What Every Tour Director Wished Their Group Leader Knew Before They Arrived

Whether you are a first time Group Leader, or you are a seasoned GL, you will NOT want to miss this "Tell All" episode from a Tour Director's perspective of life on tour. My good friend, Sladjana, who is a Tour Director in Australia, shares what every TD wished their Group Leader knew before they arrived on tour.

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 How to Choose the Best Chaperones for Your Next Trip and Define Their Role and Expectations While on Tour
Teacher Show Me The World Teacher Show Me The World

How to Choose the Best Chaperones for Your Next Trip and Define Their Role and Expectations While on Tour

Chaperones can make or break the success of your world travel program. Who should you choose for your chaperones? What resposibilities should they have?

This episode will cover all of the ins and outs of who is qualified to be a chaperone, and what sort of personality traits make the best chaperones. In addition, I will go over specific roles that are crucial for every chaperone to fulfill.

Visit the Free Resource page and download the Ultimate Chaperone’s Guidebook for FREE. This Guidebook 8 page instructional manual for chaperones will set your chaperones up for success. Remember, you want your chaperones to be a blessing NOT a burden, but in order for them to do their job, you need to do YOUR part and prepare them. Download it TODAY!

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Student Behavioral Contracts…Do you need one?
Teacher Show Me The World Teacher Show Me The World

Student Behavioral Contracts…Do you need one?

My sister, who is leading a trip this summer, called me and told me one of her students was caught doing some pretty bad things, and she wondered what she should do. The first question out of my mouth was, “Do you have a student behavioral contract?”. If I was to ask you the same question, what would you say? Are you set up to hold your students accountable for any wrong action before or during your trip?

This episode explains why it is so critical to have clear expectations set up before and during your students’ trip abroad. In addition, hear real life stories of students breaking their contract and the consequences that followed.

This episode answers the questions:

  • What is a behavioral contract for student travel?

  • Why is a behavioral contract important?

  • When do you have your students and parents sign the contract?

  • What should a behavioral contract include?

  • How do you write a behavioral contract?

  • (Click here to access a free and fully editable behavioral student contract.)

  • How to utilize a student behavioral contract when your trips are school sponsored or non-school sponspored

To learn more about the “How To’s” of student behavioral contracts by reading my recent blog post on the subject.

If you have always wanted to show your students the world and travel with them overseas, but you don’t know where to begin? Start the journey TODAY by CLICKING HERE AND LEARNING HOW TODAY!

If you haven’t already, be sure to follow Teacher Show Me the World Podcast, so you will receive up dates on new episodes and be sure to join our community of like-minded teachers at the Teacher Show Me the World Facebook Group

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Episode 3: Loyalty Tours (Which Tour to Choose and How and When to Sign-Up)
Teacher Show Me The World Teacher Show Me The World

Episode 3: Loyalty Tours (Which Tour to Choose and How and When to Sign-Up)

For months, if not years, you have poured your heart and soul into creating a world travel program at your school where you show your students the world.

Unless you have been a group leader, no one really understands the work that is involved in taking a group of students abroad. That is why EF Tours reward their amazing Group Leaders by hosting these 5-Star Loyalty Tours. They do this as a way to say’ “Thank you” for all of their hard work.

In this episode you will learn exactly what a Loyalty tour is, who qualifies, what the destinations are for the upcoming 2024-2025 tours, how to sig-up, and when.

Be sure to set your alarms for when you can sign-up because you won’t want to miss out on these amazing destinations!

Have you always wondered if you could show your students the world, but you don’t know where to begin?

Click here to learn more about how you can lead a trip and start traveling the world with your students!

Are already showing your students the world and are looking for RESOURCES to help support you on your journey? Visit to gain access to resources that will help you as a group leader.

In addition, JOIN the Teacher Show Me the World FaceBook Group and meet other like-minded teachers who can help support you and inspire you on your journey to showing your students the world!

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Episode 2: Fundraising Ideas for Students to Travel Abroad
Teacher Show Me The World Teacher Show Me The World

Episode 2: Fundraising Ideas for Students to Travel Abroad

Sara Johnson has been leading trips with her students for over a decade. What amazes me about her, she is able to run multiple fundraising events each year at her school to help fund her students’ trips abroad.

With the goal of “low-risk and high-demand”, Sara is able to masterfully craft fundraising events that bring about minimal stress with maximum rewards. On average, her strategically run fundraisers bring about $3k-$5k per event.

By listening to today’s episode you will become inspired to learn how to help your students finance their trips, so you can be the teacher who shows your students the world.

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Episode 1: Why I Show My Students the World
Teacher Show Me The World Teacher Show Me The World

Episode 1: Why I Show My Students the World

In this episode, I share a little bit about myself and how travel has shaped who I am as a person and ultimately as a history teacher. Starting from a very young age, I was captivated by the world of travel. As a lover of history, all I wanted to do was experience the places that I learned about, and be able to retrace the footsteps of history and to breath in the cultures I encountered.

I have traveled to 49 countries (still trying to figure out which country will be my 50th) spanning 6 continents, (I am on the fence about going to Antarctica; I am from Michigan, so I KNOW winter) and I have lived and taught in London, Prague, and Malaysia.

It is because of my personal passion of travel and the value that it has brought me, that it has become my personal mission to be the sort of teacher who breaks free from the confines of the four walls of my classroom and SHOW MY STUDENTS THE WORLD!

Currently, students are sitting in their desks and “dying on the vine” because of lack of engagement and experiential learning. It is my goal and passion to start a revolution within the world of education and help educators to step out beyond the four walls of their classroom and make education come to life and to change their students lives forever.

I am inviting you on this journey, so please join me by becoming a TEACHER WHO SHOWS YOUR STUDENTS THE WORLD!

CLICK HERE to learn how to take your students on an adventure of a lifetime!

Are you already a teacher who shows your students the world? Be sure to check out these free educational travel resources to help you show your students the world.

Join our FaceBook Group of like-minded teachers and connect, learn from and be inspired by other teachers who show their students the world.

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