Teacher Show Me The World Teacher Show Me The World

The Ultimate Guide to Safety Tips for Students with Food Allergies while Traveling

This photograph might be some people’s dream, but for someone with Celiac disease, it represents a world of pain.

Traveling can be an exciting adventure for students, but for those with food allergies, it can also present unique challenges and potential risks. In this ultimate guide, we'll provide essential safety tips to ensure that students with food allergies can travel confidently and safely.

One of the key aspects of traveling with a food allergy is being prepared. Researching the destination's local cuisine and food regulations is crucial to avoid any potential allergens. It's also important to pack necessary medications and emergency contact information in case of an allergic reaction.

Special guest and renowned food blogger, Rachel Gurk shares amazing tips that will give Group Leaders and student travelers with allergies confidence to see the world.

Communication is another vital component of safe travel. Students should inform their travel companions, teachers, and tour guides about their food allergies. This will help establish a support network and ensure that everyone is aware of the necessary precautions.

Additionally, students should always carry safe snacks and allergen-free meals while traveling. This will help prevent accidental exposure to allergens and ensure that they have appropriate food options.

By taking these safety tips into consideration, students with food allergies can enjoy their travel experiences without compromising their health. Stay tuned for the ultimate guide to safety tips for students with food allergies while traveling.

Understanding food allergies and their impact on students

Food allergies are a common concern for many students, and they can have a significant impact on their daily lives. Allergies occur when the immune system reacts to certain substances in food, triggering symptoms that range from mild to severe. For students with food allergies, traveling can present additional challenges and potential risks.

The consequences of food allergies can vary from person to person, but common symptoms include hives, swelling, difficulty breathing, and even anaphylaxis, a severe and potentially life-threatening reaction. It's essential for students to understand the severity of their allergies and take appropriate precautions to ensure their safety while traveling.

Preparing for travel with food allergies

Before embarking on any trip, students with food allergies should thoroughly prepare to minimize the risk of exposure to allergens. The first step is to research the destination's local cuisine and food regulations. This will help identify potential allergens that may be prevalent in the area and allow students to plan accordingly.

It's crucial to pack essential medications, such as antihistamines and epinephrine auto-injectors, in case of an allergic reaction. These medications should be easily accessible and kept in their original packaging to avoid any confusion. Additionally, students should carry a copy of their emergency action plan, which outlines the appropriate steps to take in case of an allergic reaction.

A great way to ensure students are able to communicate with the locals, is by having them carry a Food Allergy Travel Card. No student should be without a Food Allergy Travel Card while traveling abroad.

Don’t Take Any Risks When It Comes to Your Students Safety on Tour.

The food allergy cards are user-friendly, available in 14 languages. Students select their allergies, show the card to waitstaff or food vendors to ensure safe food purchases.

Researching destinations and accommodations with food allergies in mind

When planning a trip, it's essential for students with food allergies to research their destination and accommodations with their dietary needs in mind. This includes identifying restaurants and grocery stores that cater to special dietary requirements, such as gluten-free or nut-free options.

Many websites and apps provide valuable information about allergen-friendly restaurants and food establishments in various cities. By utilizing these resources, students can ensure that they have access to safe food options throughout their travels.

It's also advisable to contact hotels or accommodations in advance to discuss any specific dietary restrictions or allergies. Some establishments may be able to provide allergen-free meals or accommodate special requests to ensure the safety and well-being of their guests.

It's also advisable to contact hotels or accommodations in advance to discuss any specific dietary restrictions or allergies. Some establishments may be able to provide allergen-free meals or accommodate special requests to ensure the safety and well-being of their guests.

Packing essentials for safe travel with food allergies

When packing for a trip, students with food allergies should prioritize their health and safety by including essential items in their luggage. Alongside the usual travel necessities, it's crucial to pack a sufficient supply of any necessary medications, including epinephrine auto-injectors, antihistamines, and inhalers if required.

In addition to medications, students should also consider packing allergy-safe snacks and meals. This will provide them with a convenient and safe option when faced with limited food choices or allergen exposure. Non-perishable options such as granola bars, dried fruit, and nut-free trail mix can be easily packed and carried while traveling.

Students should also pack a small cooler or insulated bag to store perishable allergy-safe items, such as pre-packaged meals or fresh fruits and vegetables. This will help maintain the freshness and safety of their food while on the go.

Communicating your food allergies to airlines, hotels, and restaurants

Clear and effective communication is essential when traveling with food allergies. Students should inform airlines, hotels, and restaurants about their specific allergies to ensure that appropriate accommodations can be made.

When booking flights, students should contact the airline in advance to notify them of their food allergies. Most airlines can accommodate special dietary requirements with prior notice, ensuring that students are not served meals containing allergens during the flight.

Similarly, when making hotel reservations, students should inform the staff about their food allergies. This will allow the hotel to make necessary arrangements, such as providing allergen-free meals or ensuring that the room is thoroughly cleaned to avoid any cross-contamination.

When dining out, it's important for students to inform the restaurant staff about their allergies. They should clearly communicate their dietary restrictions and ask about the ingredients used in specific dishes. This will help them make informed choices and avoid potential allergens.

Translated into 14 different languages, the Food Allergy Travel Cards are a MUST HAVE for your student travelers to eat safely and confidently while on tour.

Eating safely while traveling - dining out and grocery shopping tips

Eating safely while traveling with food allergies requires careful consideration and planning. When dining out, students should choose restaurants that have a good understanding of food allergies and can provide allergen-free options.

To ensure the safety of their meals, students should inform the restaurant staff about their allergies and ask for assistance in selecting suitable dishes. It's also advisable to ask about the restaurant's cross-contamination practices to minimize the risk of accidental exposure to allergens.

In some cases, it may be challenging to find allergen-free options at restaurants. In such situations, students can opt for grocery shopping to prepare their meals. Researching nearby grocery stores and markets that offer allergen-friendly products can help students find suitable ingredients to cook their meals.

It's important to carefully read food labels and ingredient lists to avoid any potential allergens. Students should also be aware of local food regulations and labeling practices to ensure they are making informed choices.

Handling emergency situations and carrying necessary medication

Despite taking all necessary precautions, allergic reactions can still occur. It's crucial for students to be prepared to handle emergency situations and carry the necessary medication with them at all times.

Epinephrine auto-injectors, such as EpiPens, are the first-line treatment for severe allergic reactions. Students should be trained on how to use these devices and carry them wherever they go. It's important to ensure that the auto-injectors are not expired and are easily accessible in case of an emergency.

In addition to epinephrine, students should also carry antihistamines, such as Benadryl, to help manage mild allergic reactions. These medications can help alleviate symptoms such as itching and hives while waiting for medical assistance.

Travel Smart App

In the event of an emergency, the Travel Smart App offers direct access to police and emergency services worldwide. Simply tap a few times to swiftly reach out to local authorities, guaranteeing immediate help when required.

Carrying a medical identification bracelet or necklace is also recommended. This will help identify individuals with food allergies in case of an emergency and provide vital information to medical professionals.

Traveling with a food allergy buddy or support group

Traveling with a food allergy buddy or joining a support group can provide additional peace of mind and support for students with food allergies. Having a travel companion who is aware of their allergies can help in case of an emergency and provide an extra set of eyes to ensure that they are not exposed to allergens.

Food allergies demand constant attention around the clock and influence everyday choices such as dining out, cooking, selecting hotels, airlines, and more. Spokin offers tailored, top-rated resources specific to your family's food allergies, location, and preferences. It's the pioneer app that enables you to easily access essential information with just a few taps on your phone.

Joining a support group or online community for individuals with food allergies can also be beneficial. These groups can provide valuable advice, share experiences, and offer emotional support for students who may feel anxious or isolated due to their allergies.

Resources and apps for students with food allergies

Numerous resources and apps are available to assist students with food allergies during their travels. These tools provide valuable information, such as allergen-friendly restaurant recommendations, translation cards for communicating dietary restrictions in different languages, and emergency contact information for local hospitals or medical facilities.

Some popular apps include "AllergyEats," which provides user-generated reviews and ratings for allergen-friendly restaurants, and "Find Me Gluten-Free," which helps individuals locate gluten-free dining options worldwide.

This app is essential for travelers, especially in Europe where gluten-free options can be scarce. Use it to locate safe dining choices while you're abroad.

Students should explore these resources and apps before their trip to ensure they have access to the most up-to-date information and support.

Conclusion - Enjoying travel while staying safe with food allergies

Traveling can be an enriching experience for students, and having food allergies should not hinder their ability to explore the world. By understanding their allergies, preparing adequately, and communicating effectively, students can enjoy their travel experiences while staying safe.

By researching destinations, packing essential medications, and communicating their allergies to airlines, hotels, and restaurants, students can minimize the risk of exposure to allergens. Additionally, eating safely while traveling can be achieved by dining out at allergen-friendly restaurants or grocery shopping for allergen-free ingredients.

Handling emergency situations and carrying necessary medications is crucial for students with food allergies. Traveling with a food allergy buddy or joining a support group can provide additional support and peace of mind.

With the help of resources and apps designed for individuals with food allergies, students can navigate their travels with confidence and enjoy new experiences while staying safe and healthy.

Download this FREE RESOURCE that includes the Top 5 Food Allergy Apps for Travel. The resource includes descriptions and hyperlinks for easy downloads. Share it with all of your students with food allergies before you go on tour.

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Teacher Show Me The World Teacher Show Me The World

Unlocking Adventures: 6 Engaging Educational Travel Games for Students Exploring the World

Are you looking for fun ideas to enrich your students learning while on tour? Are you looking for entertaining travel games that will help make those bus rides go faster while on tour? Perhaps you want to help create unique bonds and memories with your students while traveling abroad? This article is full of fun and unique resources that will help make your next trip aboad with your students the BEST TRIP EVER!

Attention, adventurous teachers and students! Are you ready to embark on a thrilling journey of educational travel? Exploring the world around you can be an enriching experience, but why not make it even more engaging with some fun travel games? Teacher Show Me the World has curated a list of 6 captivating educational travel games that will not only keep you entertained while on tour but also enhance your knowledge on the go.

From geography challenges to historical quests, these games will unlock a whole new level of excitement as you traverse the globe. Whether you're traveling by plane, train, or automobile, these games will keep boredom at bay and spark curiosity about the world's wonders.

Discover fascinating facts, solve riddles, and compete with friends or fellow travelers to see who emerges as the ultimate globetrotter. Sharpen your memory skills, brush up on your cultural knowledge, and expand your horizons as you immerse yourself in these captivating adventures.

So, pack your bags and get ready to embark on an educational odyssey like no other! Let's dive into the world of educational travel games and unlock a realm of educational excitement.

*Don’t feel like re-inventing the wheel?! Then be sure to check out the 9 Different Fun and Engaging Road Trip Games below that you can easily play with your students while on tour.

Would You Rather? The Fun Game of Choice

This is such a fun travel size rendition of the classic game Would You Rather? Use this as a way to break the ice before you and your students leave for your trip or while on tour on those long bus rides.

The importance of educational travel games for students

Traveling is an incredible opportunity for students to broaden their horizons, learn about different cultures, and explore the world around them. However, long journeys can sometimes become monotonous, leading to boredom and a missed chance for educational engagement. This is where educational travel games come in, transforming the travel experience into an interactive and educational adventure.

Educational travel games provide a fun and entertaining way for students to learn while on the move. By incorporating games into their travel experiences, teenagers can stay engaged, make the most of their time, and acquire knowledge about various subjects. These games not only enhance their learning but also add an element of excitement and challenge to their journeys.

Rubber Neckers - The Ultimate Road Trip Game

Crack open the box of glossy cards and let the fun begin! You compete against other travelers to spot the things listed on your card to gain points. Silly things to look for include someone picking their nose, someone singing, someone eating, and many other unusual and ordinary sightings. Your students will be entertained for hours!

Benefits of incorporating games into travel experiences

Incorporating games into travel experiences offers numerous benefits for teenagers. Firstly, it makes learning enjoyable and interactive. Rather than passively absorbing information, teens actively participate in the learning process, which improves their retention and understanding of the subject matter. Games ignite curiosity and foster a love for learning, creating a positive association with education that can extend beyond the trip itself.

Secondly, educational travel games promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Many games require teenagers to analyze information, make decisions, and strategize, helping them develop essential cognitive abilities. These skills are transferable to various aspects of life, enabling teenagers to approach challenges with a more analytical mindset.

Lastly, games offer an opportunity for social interaction and collaboration. Whether playing with friends or family members, educational travel games encourage teamwork, communication, and healthy competition. Engaging in these activities together creates bonds and lasting memories, enhancing the overall travel experience.

501 Questions - A Travel Game

Here's a great game to unplug and connect with your students while traveling abroad. Get ready for fun, laughter, and bonding! You get over 750 fun and entertaining questions and trivia to choose from in four different categories: Would You Rather, If You Could, Tell Me About, and Travel Trivia.

Factors to consider when choosing educational travel games

When selecting educational travel games, it is important to consider a few factors to ensure they are suitable for teenagers. Firstly, the games should align with their interests and age group. Students are more likely to engage with games that capture their attention and cater to their specific needs and preferences.

Secondly, the games should be portable and easy to carry. Traveling often involves limited luggage space, so it is essential to choose games that are compact and lightweight. This allows teenagers to conveniently bring the games along on their journeys without adding unnecessary bulk.

Furthermore, the games should be educational and aligned with the subjects or themes they are interested in exploring. Whether it's geography, history, culture, or wildlife, the games should provide relevant and valuable educational content that complements their travel experiences.

Lastly, the games should offer a balance between entertainment and educational value. While the primary goal is to enhance learning, it is equally important for the games to be enjoyable and engaging. This ensures that teenagers remain motivated and enthusiastic about playing, making the educational experience more effective.

Now that we understand the importance of educational travel games and the benefits they provide, let's dive into the world of captivating adventures and explore 6 engaging educational travel games for students while on tour.

Mad Libs - On the Road Edition

Pack your NOUN and get ready to go on an adventure with Mad Libs on the Road! With 21 "fill-in-the-blank" stories about creating car songs, spotting historical sights, and stopping at roadside restaurants, there's something for everyone. Play alone or in a group! Mad Libs are a fun road trip activity recommended for all ages.

This is a fun way to let your students creativity come out while on tour. Just photo copy the pages you want, and pass them out to your students.

Game 1: Geography-based treasure hunt

Geography-based treasure hunts are an excellent way for students to learn about different countries, landmarks, and geographical features while engaging in an exciting treasure hunt. The game can be played in various settings, such as airports, train stations, or even within a city.

To play this game, create a list of clues or riddles related to specific locations or landmarks. Teens must decipher the clues and find the corresponding destinations. Along the way, they will learn interesting facts about the places they visit and develop a deeper understanding of global geography.

For example, a clue could be: "I am a famous tower in France, known for my elegant design and stunning views of Paris. Find me and unlock the next clue." The answer would be the Eiffel Tower. By successfully deciphering the clue and reaching the Eiffel Tower, teens not only engage in a thrilling adventure but also learn about one of the most iconic landmarks in the world.

Games On The Go!

Turn student travel and moments of being on the bus into great educational memories. Games on the Go is a collection of 50 games and activities that can be played anywhere at any time.

Game 2: Language learning through scavenger hunt

Language learning is an essential skill that can significantly enhance travel experiences. A scavenger hunt focused on language learning can be a fun and immersive way for teens to practice their language skills while exploring new destinations.

Before embarking on the trip, create a list of items or tasks written in the local language. Teens must then find or complete these items using their language skills. This game not only helps them improve their vocabulary and pronunciation but also exposes them to the local culture and customs.

For example, in a Spanish-speaking country, the scavenger hunt could include tasks such as ordering food at a local restaurant or asking for directions in Spanish. By actively engaging with the language, students will gain confidence and a deeper appreciation for the local culture.

Sussed? - The Game of Wacky Choices

This is a great ice-breaker activity to bring your group together before you leave on tour and while traveling abroad.

110 cards and over 200 thought-provoking questions and a whopping 650 answers! Combine it with other Sussed games for even more unforgettable conversations!

Game 3: Historical trivia challenge

Traveling often involves visiting historical sites and landmarks. To make the experience more engaging and educational, a historical trivia challenge can be incorporated into the journey. This game tests teenagers' knowledge of historical events, figures, and significant locations.

Create a list of historical trivia questions related to the destinations being visited. Teens can compete individually or in teams to answer the questions. This game not only encourages research and critical thinking but also deepens their understanding of history and its impact on the world.

For example, a question could be: "Which ancient civilization built the iconic Machu Picchu in Peru?" The answer would be the Inca civilization. By answering this question correctly, teenagers not only showcase their historical knowledge but also learn about the fascinating Inca civilization and its architectural achievements.

Think Outside the Box

Think Outside The Box is a game that will make your students feel like detectives solving mysterious cases. Your students will need to use their deductive skills & imagination, ask the right questions, and reveal the truth. Take the game on your next trip, and your students’ travel will be entertaining and mind-challenging.

Game 4: Cultural immersion through local food tasting game

One of the most exciting aspects of traveling is experiencing different cuisines. A local food tasting game allows teenagers to immerse themselves in the local culture and expand their culinary horizons.

Research the traditional dishes or snacks of the destinations being visited and create a list of items to try. Teens can then rate and document their experiences, noting their preferences and any interesting facts they discover along the way. This game encourages students to step out of their comfort zones, try new foods, and appreciate the diversity of global cuisine.

For example, in Japan, the game could include trying sushi, ramen, and matcha-flavored snacks. By sampling these traditional Japanese foods, students not only engage their taste buds but also learn about the country's culinary traditions and cultural significance.

Game 5: Wildlife spotting bingo

For nature enthusiasts, wildlife spotting bingo is an exciting game that combines adventure and education. Create bingo cards featuring different animals, birds, or plants that can be found in the destinations being visited. Teens must then keep an eye out for these species and mark them off on their bingo cards when spotted.

This game encourages students to observe their surroundings, appreciate the beauty of nature, and learn about different species. It also fosters an understanding of the importance of wildlife conservation and environmental awareness.

For example, in a national park like Krueger National Park in South Africa, the bingo cards could include animals such as elephants, lions, zebras, and giraffes. By spotting and identifying these animals, students not only engage in a thrilling game but also gain knowledge about the diverse wildlife that inhabits the park.

SHOTGUN - The Road Trip Game

Nominate someone to be the card reader (Group Leader or anyone you would like to nominate). If you want, you can rotate the reader. Read the card and play based on the prompt! Play until you reach your destination or until you stop for fast food.

Game 6: Architecture and landmarks memory game

Architecture and landmarks memory game is a fantastic way for teens to learn about iconic buildings and structures around the world. This game challenges their memory skills while providing valuable knowledge about architectural styles and historical significance.

Gather images or descriptions of famous landmarks and their corresponding locations. Present the images or descriptions to your students for a limited time, and then ask them to recall the details. This game not only tests their memory but also exposes them to different architectural styles and historical periods.

For example, show a picture of the Taj Mahal and ask teens to identify its location and architectural features. By successfully recalling the details of the Taj Mahal, they not only demonstrate their memory skills but also learn about its cultural significance and architectural grandeur.

Lonely Planet’s - Ultimate Travel Quiz Book

Pit your worldly wits against your students, or just challenge yourself, with this ultimate travel trivia book. With head-scratching questions on everything from geography and culture to history, wildlife and transport, it's a fun and challenging test for all ages - and the perfect addition to any trip.


Educational travel games for teenagers offer a unique opportunity to make their journeys more engaging, interactive, and educational. By incorporating games into travel experiences, teenagers can enhance their learning, develop essential skills, and create lasting memories.

From geography-based treasure hunts to language learning scavenger hunts, historical trivia challenges to cultural immersion through local food tasting games, and wildlife spotting bingo to architecture and landmarks memory games, these educational travel games provide a wide range of opportunities for teenagers to explore the world while having fun.

So, the next time you embark on a travel adventure with your students, don't forget to pack these engaging educational travel games. Unleash your students’ curiosity, broaden their horizons, and unlock a realm of educational excitement as you explore the wonders of the world with your students. Happy travels and happy gaming!

Some of the links above are affiliate links. This means that, at zero cost to you, I will earn an affiliate commission if you click through the link and finalize a purchase. Thank you for helping a fellow teacher make a better world for her students!

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Teacher-Led Student Travel: Navigating Airport Security with Confidence

When traveling with your students abroad, it is in EVERYONE’s best interest to prepare them for Departure Day and airport security. This article will give you tips, tricks, and best practices that will help you navigate your students through airport security and the TSA.

Teacher-Led Student Travel: Navigating Airport Security with Confidence

Navigating airport security can be a nerve-wracking experience, especially for students traveling with a teacher-led group. However, with the right preparation and guidance, students can feel confident and informed throughout the process. In this article, we will explore essential tips and strategies for teachers to ensure smooth airport security procedures during student travel.

Ensuring a seamless experience at airport security is essential to kickstart a successful and stress-free trip. By equipping both teachers and students with the necessary knowledge and tools, the airport security process can be demystified, allowing everyone to focus on the exciting adventures that lie ahead.

From understanding TSA regulations to packing tips for a speedy screening, we will cover everything teachers need to know to navigate airport security with confidence. Our goal is to alleviate any stress and anxiety students may have and help them feel empowered as they embark on an enriching educational journey.

Join me as we dive into the ins and outs of airport security for teacher-led student travel, arming educators with the know-how to ensure a seamless experience for their students. Together, let's make airport security a breeze!

The Importance of Teacher-Led Student Travel

Teacher-led student travel offers a unique opportunity for students to learn and grow outside the classroom. Educational trips provide students with real-world experiences that enhance their understanding of different cultures, history, and subjects such as science and art. These trips foster personal growth, independence, and a sense of responsibility, all of which are crucial for students' development. Side Note: If you aren’t already showing your students the world, what’s stopping you?! Sign-up today and learn how to be a teacher who shows YOUR students the world!

One of the main advantages of teacher-led student travel is the guidance and support provided by experienced educators. Teachers play a pivotal role in ensuring the safety and well-being of their students throughout the journey. This includes navigating airport security procedures, which can be a daunting task for young travelers.

Understanding Airport Security Procedures

Before embarking on a teacher-led student trip, it is crucial for educators to familiarize themselves with airport security procedures. By understanding the rules and regulations set by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) or the equivalent authority in their country, teachers can effectively prepare their students for the security screening process.

TSA regulations aim to maintain the safety of all passengers and airline crew members. These regulations cover various aspects, including prohibited items, liquids and gels restrictions, electronic devices, and screening procedures. It is essential for teachers to review and communicate these regulations to their students to avoid any surprises or delays at the airport.

To gain a behind-the-scenes perspective on the TSA, be sure to listen to my podcast episode on this subject: Departure Day…..Navigating the TSA and Security with Your Students

I interviewed a TSA officer who shares all of her tips and tricks about navigating airport security with your student travelers.

Preparing Students for Airport Security

To ensure a smooth experience at airport security, teachers should prepare their students well in advance. This preparation includes educating students about TSA regulations, organizing workshops or discussions on airport security, and providing clear instructions on what to expect during the screening process. Help is the process for your students by making sure they are ready for Departure Day. Be sure to visit my Group Leader Resource Page and download two ready-made resources you can share with your travelers

Set your students up for success on Departure Day with these helpful tips.

Help guide your students to anticipate each moment of their airport security, customs, and immigration experience.

Teachers can create a comprehensive checklist for students, outlining the items they can bring in their carry-on luggage and those that must be packed in checked baggage. Students should be encouraged to pack efficiently, minimizing the number of items that need to be screened at the security checkpoint.

*PRO TIP: Did you know that to prevent triggering the security check and x-ray you should pack your items in layers? For example: Put all of your clothes on the bottom layer of your suitcase, then your shoes, then any of your electronics. If you do this…..your students will NOT be the ones holding up security and the group by having to get their bags checked. In addition, make sure to tell your student travelers NOT to pack anything opaque. Anything that is opaque will ALWAYS trigger security and require a bag check by the TSA.

Packing Tips for Student Travelers

Efficient packing is key to a hassle-free screening process at the airport. Teachers can provide students with packing tips and guidelines to ensure they are well-prepared. It is important to remind students about the limitations on liquids and gels, which must be packed in containers of 3.4 ounces or less and placed in a clear, quart-sized bag.

TSA Approved Liquid Refillable Bottles and Clear Bag

When you are traveling in a group, it is SO IMPORTANT to streamline your group’s airport security process so your group does not hold up the line. Prepare your students by having them be ready with the required TSA Approved Liquid Amount and Storage Bag

Additionally, students should be advised to pack their belongings in an organized manner, making it easier for TSA officers to inspect their bags if necessary. Encouraging students to pack their electronic devices, such as laptops and tablets, in easily accessible compartments can also expedite the screening process.

*PRO TIP: Expedite the airport security process by already having TSA approved items. Encourage your students to bring Shampoo and Conditioner Bars instead of liquid. I personally use these amazing travel-sized shampoo/conditioner bars.

TSA Approved

Shampoo & Conditioner Bars

These are perfect for large group travel! Your travelers will have enough shampoo and conditioner for the duration of their trip, and they won’t have to worry about being stopped by the TSA.

*PRO TIP: Do you know that the TSA uses the acronym LGA to stand for Liquids, Gels, and Aerosols? When packing make sure you pack only LGA compliant accessories. Fun Fact: Peanut Butter is considered to be a gel; therefore, it CANNOT be packed in your carry-on.

Teacher Responsibilities During Airport Security

As the leader of the student travel group, teachers have a crucial role in ensuring a smooth airport security experience. It is essential for teachers to be well-prepared and knowledgeable about the screening procedures to effectively guide their students.

Teachers should arrive at the airport early to allow ample time for the security screening process. They should coordinate with their students, ensuring everyone is aware of the necessary documents, such as identification and boarding passes, that need to be readily available at the security checkpoint.

Navigating the TSA Screening Process

Upon arriving at the security checkpoint, teachers should guide their students through each step of the TSA screening process. This includes removing outerwear, shoes, electronics, emptying pockets, and placing personal belongings, such as bags and jackets, in bins provided by the TSA.

Teachers should remind students to follow the instructions provided by TSA officers and maintain a calm and cooperative demeanor throughout the screening process. Students should be aware that they may be required to walk through metal detectors or undergo additional screening procedures, such as a pat-down or a visual inspection of their bags.

Will You Be Traveling With Students Who Have A Hidden Disability?

If you are a teacher who has a student with a hidden disability such as Autism, Epilepsy, or any other hidden disability, your student will qualify for special assistance through airport security. There is an amazing internationally recognized program called Hidden Disabilities Sunflower. Students who qualify will receive a sunflower ID card and a lanyard to wear as they travel through airport security. Once the TSA agents see the students Sunflower Card, they will go the extra-mile to help that student and make them as comfortable as possible.

Managing Student Behavior at the Airport

Airport security can be a stressful experience for students, particularly if it is their first time traveling. Teachers should be prepared to manage student behavior and alleviate any anxiety or nervousness. By creating a positive and supportive environment, teachers can help students feel more at ease during the security screening process.

Teachers can engage students in discussions or activities to distract them from any apprehension they may be experiencing. Encouraging students to ask questions and addressing their concerns can also help alleviate anxiety. It is important for teachers to maintain a calm and composed demeanor, leading by example and demonstrating confidence in the process.

Tips for a Smooth Airport Experience

To ensure a smooth airport experience, teachers can implement a few additional strategies. One effective approach is to group students with their assigned chaperone and travel through security within their small group. Another idea is to group students based on their understanding of the security procedures or assign older and more experienced students to assist their peers. This can help streamline the process and ensure that everyone understands their responsibilities.

Teachers should also encourage students to wear comfortable and easily removable clothing, as this can expedite the screening process. Reminding students to double-check their belongings before reaching the security checkpoint can help prevent any last-minute issues or delays.

Resources for Teacher-Led Student Travel

There are numerous resources available to assist teachers in planning and navigating airport security for student travel. Online guides and websites, such as the TSA website, offer valuable information on regulations, packing guidelines, and frequently asked questions. Have your travelers download the MyTSA App before your departure day. Teachers can also reach out to travel agencies or educational tour providers for guidance and support.

Additionally, networking with other educators who have experience in teacher-led student travel can provide valuable insights and tips. Online forums and social media groups like our Teacher Show Me the World Facebook Group dedicated to educational travel can be excellent platforms for sharing experiences and seeking advice.


Navigating airport security with confidence is essential for teacher-led student travel. By understanding TSA regulations, preparing students for the screening process, and effectively managing the journey, teachers can ensure a smooth and stress-free experience for their students. With the right knowledge, resources, and preparation, airport security can be demystified, allowing students to focus on the educational and enriching adventures that await them. So, let's embrace teacher-led student travel and make airport security a breeze

If you have always wanted to learn more about Teacher-Led Student Travel, what are you waiting for? The world is yours and your students’ oyster! Click here and begin exploring today!

Some of the links above are affiliate links. This means that, at zero cost to you, I will earn an affiliate commission if you click through the link and finalize a purchase. Thank you for helping a fellow teacher make a better world for her students!

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Teacher Show Me The World Teacher Show Me The World

The Underrated Heroes: Exploring the Crucial Role of Chaperones in Educational Travel

Embarking on an educational travel adventure is an enriching experience, offering students the opportunity to explore new cultures, broaden their horizons, and create lasting memories. While the spotlight often shines on the Group Leader and the student participants, there is a group of individuals who play a crucial role behind the scenes - the chaperones. These unsung heroes work tirelessly to ensure the safety, well-being, and educational growth of the students throughout the trip.

Embarking on an educational travel adventure is an enriching experience, offering students the opportunity to explore new cultures, broaden their horizons, and create lasting memories. While the spotlight often shines on the Group Leader and the student participants, there is a group of individuals who play a crucial role behind the scenes - the chaperones. These unsung heroes work tirelessly to ensure the safety, well-being, and educational growth of the students throughout the trip.

Chaperones are more than just supervisors; they serve as mentors, guides, and facilitators. They possess a wealth of knowledge and expertise, making them a valuable resource for students as they navigate unfamiliar territories. Whether it's helping students understand historical landmarks, facilitating cultural exchanges, or solving unexpected challenges, chaperones provide invaluable support and guidance.

In this article, we will delve into the integral role of chaperones in educational travel. We will explore the qualities that make a great chaperone, the challenges they face, and the impact they have on shaping students' experiences. Join us as we shine a light on these underrated heroes and celebrate their dedication in creating meaningful and transformative educational travel journeys.

The importance of educational travel

Educational travel goes beyond the confines of a classroom, providing students with real-world experiences that enhance their learning. By immersing themselves in different cultures and environments, students gain a deeper understanding of the world around them. Educational travel promotes personal growth, fosters independence, and encourages critical thinking skills. It allows students to witness historical landmarks, engage with local communities, and experience unique traditions firsthand. These transformative experiences are made possible with the support and guidance of dedicated chaperones.

What are chaperones?

Chaperones: The Unsung Hero

Chaperones are individuals who accompany students on educational travel trips, serving as mentors, guides, and facilitators. They are responsible for the well-being and safety of the students throughout the journey. Chaperones play a vital role in ensuring that the trip runs smoothly and that students have a positive and enriching experience. They are often teachers, parents, or professionals with expertise in specific areas related to the trip, such as history, art, or science.

The role of chaperones in educational travel

Chaperones wear multiple hats during educational travel. They act as liaisons between students, trip organizers, and local contacts, ensuring effective communication and coordination. Chaperones are responsible for planning and organizing educational activities, such as museum visits, guided tours, and cultural exchanges. They help students navigate unfamiliar territories, providing guidance and support along the way. Chaperones also play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and well-being of students, addressing any emergencies or unexpected challenges that may arise during the trip.

In addition, here is a list of chaperone responsibilities that each Group Leader should make sure their chaperone is fulfilling these roles in order to have a successful student trip abroad:

  • Communication Liaison: The chaperone must be the Group Leader’s Communication Liaison. Each night, the Group Leader should meet with their chaperones and discuss the next day’s itinerary, and it is the job of the chaperones to communicate with their group about the upcoming schedule, meet-up times, or other important on tour information.

  • Group Morale: It is the chaperone’s job to have a pulse on their small groups well-being and overall morale while on tour. If there is an issue, such as student-to-student relations, medical emergency, discipline issue, or anything else that might cause concern while on tour, it is the chaperones job to communicate detect and communicate to the Group leader, so the issue or problem can be managed.

  • Head counts: Every time the group disperses, it is the job of the chaperone to let their group know what the meet-up time will be. When the meet-up time occurs, it is the chaperones’s job to do an immediate head count of their students and report any absences to the Group Leader.

  • Food Allergies: It is the responsibility of the chaperone to know if any of their students have any food allergies and to verify that the food is safe for the student. The chaperone cannot assume that the waitstaff at the restaurant will follow through with the allergy-free food, so the chaperone must be the student’s advocate to make sure the food is safe to consume.

  • Wake-up and Bedtime Schedule: It is the chaperone’s duty to make sure their group follows the wake-up and bed-time schedule. They must make sure that all of their students are ready in the morning and remain in their bedrooms at night.

  • Room Keys: It is the job of the chaperone to distribute room keys to their group members.

  • Hydration: It is so important that chaperones keep a close watch over their students and make sure they are staying hydrated. Jet-lag is a major contributed to dehydration, so make sure within the first 48 hours of travel, your chaperone keeps a close eye on their students.

Free Chaperone’s Guide

For a thorough explanation of your Chaperone’s Responsibilities and Expectation DOWNLOAD a FREE copy of the Ultimate Chaperone’s Guide to Success!

Benefits of having chaperones during educational trips

The presence of chaperones during educational trips offers numerous benefits to students. Chaperones provide a sense of security, reassuring both students and parents that someone is looking out for their well-being. They offer valuable insights and expertise, enriching students' understanding of the destinations they visit. Chaperones serve as role models, inspiring students to embrace new experiences and challenging them to step out of their comfort zones. They create a supportive and inclusive environment, fostering meaningful connections between students and encouraging teamwork and collaboration.

Qualities to look for in a chaperone

Surround yourself with the best people you can find, delegate authority, and don’t interfere as long as the policy you’ve decided upon is being carried out.
— Ronald Reagan

Choosing the right chaperones is crucial to the success of an educational travel trip. The most IMPORTANT criteria when choose a chaperone is TRUST. This is a non-negotiable. Ultimately, a great chaperone possesses a combination of qualities that make them effective mentors and guides. They should have good communication skills, patience, and adaptability, as they need to connect with students of different backgrounds and address their diverse needs. Ideally, the chaperones should have a positive and known relationship with the students who will be traveling. Chaperones also should be knowledgeable about the destinations and activities planned for the trip, ensuring that students gain a comprehensive understanding of the educational content. Additionally, they should have strong organizational and problem-solving skills to handle any challenges that may arise.

  • TRUST: Trust is paramount when it comes to choosing a reliable chaperone. Be sure that you know them and how they will handle certain situations. In addition, be sure the travel company that you use will automatically run background checks for any adults who will be traveling on tour.

  • Willing to Follow Directions: Be sure that your chaperones are fully willing to accept the fact that you are in charge and will do what you need them to do while on tour. Ultimately, you are the one who makes all of the decisions, so it is important that your chaperones never challenge your authority in front of students or question the decisions you make while on tour. Your chaperones are there to support you and be a sounding board when you may need help. They are not there to challenge or question you as a Group Leader.

  • International Travel Experience: Be sure that your chaperones are well versed with international travel and will feel comfortable and know how to react in case of an emergency. For example, if for some reason they become lost or if a student is lost, prepare your chaperones with your plan of action, so they know how to respond. In addition, you want your chaperones to feel comfortable and know how to navigate in a foreign setting. It would not be advisable to choose a chaperone who does not have the knowledge or familiarity of international travel.

  • Chaperones Should Know the Students: In an ideal situation, it would be great if your chaperones already know all of the students that will be traveling. If they do not, make sure there are opportunities for both chaperons and students to meet and build a relationship before the trip. In addition, make sure that your chaperons are invested in the students. Ideally, the chaperones first priority is to make sure that their students are safe and are having a great time. It is important that the chaperones know that their job is to not be the students friends, but rather be the responsible adult who has their best interest in mind.

  • Physically Fit: It is so important that your chaperones are physically fit. Student travel can be fast paced and very demanding physically. Make sure that your chaperones are aware of the physical demands and are able to keep up with their students while on tour.

  • Flexibility: The key to being a successful traveler and chaperone is being flexible and being willing and able to change plans at a moments notice if need be. The ideal chaperone must be able to be flexible while keeping a good attitude when things on tour do not go the way it was expected to go.

  • Positive Attitude: Attitude is everything! Chaperones need to lead by example and keep an upbeat attitude about everything. Toxic behavior and attitudes can corrode an entire groups dynamic, so it is imperative that as a Group Leader you choose chaperones will be a blessing not a burden and who will always be ready to point of the silver lining of any situation.

Providing a checklist with


Expectations is key!

Providing an in-depth role and expectation checklist for your chaperones is a necessity. Be sure to share the Chaperone Expectation’s List with your chaperones. Be sure to click here to access a free copy. Be sure to host a meeting a few months before departure, so each of your chaperones feel confident with what they are expected to do while on tour.

Training and preparation for chaperones

Chaperones should undergo comprehensive training and preparation before embarking on an educational travel trip. This may include attending workshops or seminars on topics such as student safety, cultural sensitivity, and educational facilitation. Trip organizers should provide chaperones with detailed itineraries, contact information, and emergency protocols. Chaperones should familiarize themselves with the destinations, researching historical and cultural aspects to enhance their knowledge and provide accurate information to students. By investing in training and preparation, chaperones can better fulfill their role and contribute to the success of the educational travel experience.

Challenges faced by chaperones in educational travel

While educational travel is a rewarding experience, chaperones face various challenges along the way. They must manage logistics, such as transportation, accommodation, and meal arrangements, ensuring that everything runs smoothly. Chaperones need to adapt to unforeseen circumstances, such as weather changes or unexpected closures of attractions. They must also handle any medical emergencies or student health issues that may arise during the trip. Additionally, chaperones need to balance their responsibilities as mentors and supervisors, providing guidance while also allowing students to explore and learn independently.

Chaperone success stories and testimonials

The impact of chaperones in educational travel can be seen through success stories and testimonials from both students and parents. Students often credit their chaperones for fostering their love for learning, encouraging personal growth, and inspiring them to explore new horizons. Parents appreciate the dedication and support chaperones provide, knowing that their children are in capable hands. Chaperones play a significant role in creating memorable and transformative educational travel experiences that leave a lasting impact on students' lives.

Conclusion: The invaluable contribution of chaperones in educational travel

Chaperones are the unsung heroes of educational travel, dedicating their time and expertise to ensure the success of each trip. They play a crucial role in enhancing students' learning, fostering personal growth, and creating lifelong memories. From organizing educational activities to providing guidance and support, chaperones go above and beyond to ensure that students have a safe, enriching, and transformative experience. It is essential to recognize and appreciate the invaluable contribution of chaperones in shaping the educational travel journeys of students around the world.

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Teacher Show Me The World Teacher Show Me The World

The Importance of a Behavioral Contract for Student Travel: Ensuring Safety and Compliance

Student Behavioral Contracts…Why Every Teacher Needs One Before They Lead A Trip Abroad.

In today's fast-paced world, student travel programs offer valuable opportunities for learning, exploration, and personal growth. However, ensuring the safety and compliance of students during these trips is of utmost importance. This is where a behavioral contract comes into play. A behavioral contract is an agreement between students, parents, and program organizers that outlines expectations, rules, and consequences for behavior while on the trip. By setting clear guidelines and expectations from the start, a behavioral contract helps to establish a safe and respectful environment for everyone involved.

Compliance with the contract not only ensures the physical safety of the students but also promotes positive social interactions, fosters a sense of responsibility, and encourages personal growth. For instance, by following the contract, students learn the importance of respecting local customs and regulations, fostering cultural understanding and empathy. Moreover, a behavioral contract can also help mitigate potential risks and liabilities for program organizers by clearly establishing their duty of care.

In conclusion, a behavioral contract is an essential tool for student travel programs to prioritize safety, foster personal growth, and promote responsible behavior. By setting clear expectations and consequences, it helps create a secure and enriching environment that allows students to make the most out of their experiences.

What is a behavioral contract for student travel?

A behavioral contract for student travel is a written agreement that lays out the expectations and rules for behavior during a trip. It typically involves students, parents, and program organizers, and serves as a guiding document throughout the entire experience. The contract outlines the specific behaviors that are expected from the students, as well as the consequences for violating those behaviors. It acts as a roadmap for maintaining safety, promoting positive interactions, and ensuring compliance with local customs and regulations.

A well-crafted behavioral contract takes into account the unique challenges and risks associated with student travel. It covers a wide range of topics including curfews, appropriate clothing, respect for cultural differences, responsible alcohol and drug use, and adherence to program guidelines. By addressing these issues upfront, the contract sets a clear standard of behavior that students must follow throughout the trip.

Why is a behavioral contract important?

The importance of a behavioral contract for student travel cannot be overstated. First and foremost, it ensures the physical safety and well-being of the students. By clearly outlining expectations and consequences, the contract helps create an environment where students are aware of the potential risks and understand the importance of their own safety. This knowledge empowers them to make responsible decisions and minimizes the likelihood of accidents or dangerous situations.

Additionally, a behavioral contract promotes positive social interactions and cultural understanding. It encourages students to respect local customs, traditions, and regulations. By adhering to the contract, students learn to appreciate and embrace different cultures, fostering empathy and a global mindset. This not only enriches their travel experience but also contributes to their personal growth and development as responsible global citizens.

Furthermore, a behavioral contract serves as a crucial tool for program organizers in mitigating potential risks and liabilities. By clearly establishing the rules and expectations, program organizers can demonstrate their duty of care and take proactive steps to protect the well-being of the students. In the unfortunate event of a violation or incident, the contract provides a framework for addressing the situation and taking appropriate action.

Components of a behavioral contract

A well-crafted behavioral contract for student travel should include several key components. These components ensure that the contract is comprehensive, effective, and tailored to the specific needs of the program and destination.

1. Expectations and Rules: Clearly outline the expected behavior and rules that students must follow during the trip. This may include guidelines on curfews, appropriate clothing, respect for cultural differences, responsible alcohol and drug use, and adherence to program guidelines.

2. Consequences: Clearly state the consequences for violating the behavioral contract. This may include disciplinary actions such as warnings, temporary restrictions, mandatory counseling, or even expulsion from the program. The consequences should be fair, proportionate, and clearly communicated to all parties involved.

3. Emergency Procedures: Include information on emergency procedures and contact details for program organizers, local authorities, and emergency services. This ensures that students are aware of the appropriate actions to take in case of an emergency or crisis situation.

4. Parental Consent: Obtain parental consent for the student's participation in the travel program and acknowledgment of the behavioral contract. This ensures that parents are aware of the expectations and consequences and can provide their support in enforcing the contract.

5. Code of Conduct: Develop a code of conduct that outlines the expected behavior and ethical standards for all participants. This code of conduct should reflect the values and mission of the program and promote a safe and respectful environment for everyone involved.

How to create a behavioral contract for student travel

Creating a behavioral contract for student travel requires careful consideration and collaboration between program organizers, parents, and students. Here are some steps to guide the creation process:

1. Identify the specific needs and risks: Assess the unique needs and risks associated with the travel program. Consider factors such as the destination, duration of the trip, activities involved, and the age group of the students. This information will help determine the specific behaviors and guidelines to be included in the contract.

2. Involve all Everyone affected: Engage parents, students, and program organizers in the creation process. This ensures that all perspectives are considered and increases buy-in and compliance with the contract. Hold meetings or workshops to discuss expectations, rules, and consequences, and allow for open dialogue and input from all parties.

3. Draft the contract: Based on the identified needs and input from stakeholders, draft the behavioral contract. Clearly outline the expectations, rules, consequences, emergency procedures, and code of conduct. Ensure that the language used is clear, concise, and easily understandable by all parties involved.

4. Review and revise: Share the draft contract with all stakeholders for review and feedback. Incorporate any necessary revisions or suggestions to ensure that the contract accurately reflects the expectations and concerns of everyone involved.

5. Obtain signatures and consent: Once the contract is finalized, ensure that all participants, including students and parents, sign and acknowledge their understanding and agreement with the contract. This establishes a commitment to comply with the contract and reinforces the importance of safety and compliance.

Access a free and fully editable Behavioral Contract here!

Communicating the behavioral contract to students and parents

Effectively communicating the behavioral contract to students and parents is crucial for its successful implementation. Here are some strategies to ensure clear and comprehensive communication:

1. Orientation sessions: Conduct orientation sessions for students and parents before the trip. Use these sessions to explain the behavioral contract, its purpose, and the expectations. Provide an opportunity for questions and address any concerns or doubts.

2. Written materials: Provide students and parents with written materials that outline the details of the behavioral contract. This can include a summarized version of the contract, frequently asked questions, emergency contact information, and any additional resources or guidelines.

3. Digital platforms: Utilize digital platforms such as email, websites, or online portals to share important information about the behavioral contract. This ensures that all participants have access to the contract and can refer to it whenever needed.

4. Regular reminders and updates: Send periodic reminders and updates to students and parents regarding the behavioral contract. This serves as a gentle reminder of the expectations and consequences and helps maintain awareness and compliance throughout the trip.

Enforcing the behavioral contract during the trip

Enforcing the behavioral contract during the trip requires a proactive and consistent approach. Here are some strategies to ensure effective enforcement:

1. Clear communication: Continuously communicate the expectations and consequences outlined in the behavioral contract. Remind students of their commitment to the contract and the importance of their actions in maintaining a safe and respectful environment.

2. Consistent application: Ensure that the consequences outlined in the behavioral contract are consistently applied to all students. This promotes fairness and discourages favoritism or selective enforcement.

3. Monitoring and supervision: Maintain a visible presence and actively monitor student behavior. This includes regular check-ins, supervision during activities, and addressing any potential issues or concerns promptly.

4. Positive reinforcement: Recognize and reward students who consistently demonstrate responsible behavior and adherence to the contract. This reinforces the importance of compliance and encourages others to follow suit.

Handling violations of the behavioral contract

In the unfortunate event of a violation of the behavioral contract, it is important to have a clear process for addressing and resolving the situation. Here are some steps to consider:

1. Investigation: Conduct a thorough investigation to gather all relevant information and facts regarding the violation. This may involve speaking to witnesses, reviewing any available evidence, and allowing the student to present their side of the story.

2. Disciplinary action: Based on the severity of the violation and the guidelines outlined in the behavioral contract, determine the appropriate disciplinary action. This may include warnings, temporary restrictions, mandatory counseling, or expulsion from the program. Ensure that the consequences are fair, proportionate, and clearly communicated to all parties involved.

3. Communication with parents: Inform the parents of the student involved in the violation about the incident, the consequences, and any necessary follow-up actions. Maintain open lines of communication and address any concerns or questions they may have.

4. Learning opportunity: Use the violation as a learning opportunity for the student involved and the rest of the group. Discuss the importance of responsible behavior, the impact of their actions, and the potential consequences. This helps reinforce the values and expectations outlined in the behavioral contract.

The Benefits of a Behavioral Contract:

Ultimately, as a Group Leader and educator of your travel program, it is essential that you are able to trust your students and know that they will adhere to your expectations both before the trip and while traveling. You can not risk bringing any students who may be a liability. By establishing clear expectations and following through with consequences if the contract is breeched, you will set yourself and your world travel program up for success.

Access a free and fully editable Behavioral Contract here!

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Teacher Show Me The World Teacher Show Me The World

7 Creative Ideas for Student Fundraising to Make Your Students’ Dream Trip a Reality

Are you a teacher wanting to help your students who are dreaming of going on an unforgettable trip but lacking the funds to make it happen? Look no further! In this article, we present you with 7 creative ideas for student fundraising to turn your students’ dream trip into a reality.

Are you a teacher wanting to help your students who are dreaming of going on an unforgettable trip but lacking the funds to make it happen? Look no further! In this article, we present you with 7 creative ideas for student fundraising to turn your students’ dream trip into a reality.

Whether you're planning a service-learning trip, an educational excursion, or simply want to explore the world with your students, these ideas will help you collect the funds you need while still having fun. Fundraising can sometimes be a daunting task, but with these innovative ideas, your students will be able to engage their community, friends, and family in supporting your group's travel aspirations.

From organizing charity events to launching crowdfunding campaigns, we have strategies tailored to suit a range of budgets and resources. Discover how you can leverage social media, tap into local businesses, and showcase your talents to generate the necessary funds for your dream trip. Get ready to embark on a life-changing adventure with the help of these 7 creative fundraising ideas.

Benefits of student fundraising for a dream trip

Embarking on a dream trip can be a life-changing experience for students. Not only does it offer the opportunity to explore new cultures and destinations, but it also provides valuable educational and personal growth opportunities. However, financing such a trip can be challenging for students with limited financial resources. This is where student fundraising comes in. By engaging in fundraising activities, you can not only raise the necessary funds but also develop valuable skills such as event planning, marketing, and community engagement.

Fundraising for your students’ dream trip not only helps them achieve their travel goals but also allows you to build a network of supporters who believe in your travel program and dreams. Additionally, it teaches the students the importance of hard work, perseverance, and teamwork. So, let's dive into some creative fundraising ideas that will help you make your students’ dream trip a reality.

Here is a list of 7 creative and fun ideas to use for your next student fundraiser

I recently interviewed Sara Johnson for an episode of Teacher Show Me the World podcast (click here to listen). I had the opportunity to hear her speak at a conference and share her ideas about student fundraising; they were truly inspirational. A reoccurring theme for her approach to fundraising was the idea of low-risk and high-return. Whenever she entertains a fundraising idea, she will always preface it by ask the question, “Will this cost minimal amount of money/time and bring about maximum amount of profits?” If the answer is “yes” then she knows it is something worth pursuing.

1. Dodgeball Tournament: Organize a school dodgeball tournament where students pay $5 to sign-up to be a part of a team. Teams are made up of seven students who then compete with another team. Have multiple teams sign-up. Charge $5 for general admission for students and $10 for adults. Promote the event through social media, posters, and word-of-mouth. Encourage friends, family, and community members to support the tournament.

2. Staff versus Student Whiffle Ball Tournament: Similar to the dodgeball tournament, whiffle ball is a fun indoor or outdoor tournament that will draw a crowd. If your school has any State-Champ sporting teams, you can modify this to create a tournament around the State-Champ’s sport. One fun idea, according to Sara Johnson, was when they gave the audience the opportunity to buy speciality tickets that could be used to “throw a wrench” into the tournament. For example, someone from the audience could pay $40 to bat for the opposing team and cause that team to potentially loose. As always, advertise the event in advance and offer competitive prices to attract customers.

3. Talent or Lip-sync Show: Showcase your talents and those of your fellow students by organizing a talent, lip-sync, or Battle of the Bands show. Charge an entry fee for participants and spectators and create a lively atmosphere with performances, music, and prizes. Promote the event through social media, posters, and school announcements.

Here are some additional unique and creative fundraising ideas for students

4. Themed Parties: Organize themed parties, such as a costume party, beach party, or movie night. Charge an admission fee and provide entertainment, music, and refreshments that match the theme. Encourage attendees to dress up and have a memorable time while supporting your fundraising efforts.

5. Art Auction: Tap into the creativity of your students and organize an art auction. Encourage them to create unique artwork, such as paintings, sculptures, or photographs, and auction them off to the highest bidders. You could even ask students who traveled the year before to donate artisitic photographs from their trip. Promote the event through social media, local art galleries, and school newsletters.

6. Singing Telegrams: Everybody likes a singing telegram! This is a great fundraiser during Homecoming or Graduation Week for seniors, Prom, or Valentine’s Day. Promote the event through social media, local art galleries, and school newsletters.

7. Pajama or Hat Day: This is a simple and effective way to easily raise money for your students’ trip. Have students at the school who would like to wear their pajamas or a hat for a day, pay $2- for the privilege to do so.

Planning and organizing a successful fundraising campaign

Successfully planning and organizing a fundraising campaign is crucial to its success. Here are some key steps to consider:

1. Set Clear Goals: Determine the amount of money you need to raise for your dream trip and set clear fundraising goals. Break down the target amount into smaller milestones to track your progress and keep your motivation high.

2. Create a Budget: Develop a detailed budget that outlines the expenses involved in your fundraising campaign. This will help you allocate resources effectively and ensure that you are maximizing your fundraising efforts.

3. Establish a Timeline: Create a timeline that outlines the different stages of your fundraising campaign, from the initial planning to the execution of fundraising activities. Set deadlines for each milestone to stay organized and focused.

4. Recruit a Team: Enlist the support of passionate team members who are dedicated to helping you achieve your fundraising goals. Delegate tasks and responsibilities to ensure a smooth execution of your campaign.

5. Promote Your Fundraising Campaign: Utilize various marketing channels, such as social media, email newsletters, and posters, to promote your fundraising campaign. Clearly communicate your goals, the purpose of your trip, and how people can support your cause.

Utilizing social media for student fundraising

Social media platforms offer a powerful tool for student fundraising. Here are some effective strategies for leveraging social media to maximize your fundraising efforts:

1. Create Compelling Content: Develop engaging content that tells your students’ story, showcases your trip goals, and highlights the impact of the funds raised. Use captivating visuals, such as photos and videos, to attract attention and evoke emotions.

2. Leverage Peer-to-Peer Fundraising: Encourage friends, family, and supporters to create personal fundraising pages on platforms like GoFundMe or Kickstarter. This allows them to share your story with their networks and raise funds on your behalf.

3. Engage with Your Audience: Interact with your audience by responding to comments, messages, and emails. Show your gratitude for their support and keep them updated on your progress and upcoming fundraising events.

Engaging the local community for support

The local community can be a valuable source of support for your fundraising efforts. Here's how you can engage the community:

1. Approach Local Businesses: Reach out to local businesses and ask for their support. Many businesses are willing to sponsor fundraising events or donate items for raffles or auctions. In return, offer them exposure through event marketing materials and social media shout-outs.

2. Collaborate with Nonprofit Organizations: Partner with local nonprofit organizations that align with the purpose of your trip. They may be willing to provide guidance, resources, and help promote your fundraising campaign to their network.

Leveraging school resources for fundraising events

Your school can be a valuable resource for organizing successful fundraising events. Here's how you can leverage school resources:

1. Utilize School Facilities: Take advantage of school facilities, such as auditoriums, gymnasiums, or outdoor spaces, to host fundraising events. Coordinate with school administrators to secure necessary permissions and support.

2. Engage Teachers and Staff: Involve other teachers and staff in your fundraising efforts. They can help promote your campaign to students, provide guidance, and even participate in fundraising activities.

Tips for maximizing fundraising efforts

To maximize your fundraising efforts and ensure success, keep these tips in mind:

1. Be Creative: Think outside the box and come up with unique and innovative fundraising ideas. This will help you capture people's attention and stand out from other fundraising campaigns.

2. Engage Your Network: Reach out to your friends, family, neighbors, and community members. Personal connections are often more willing to support your cause and spread the word to their network.

3. Express Gratitude: Show appreciation to your supporters by sending thank-you notes, organizing a special event to honor them, or featuring their names on your fundraising materials.

Conclusion and next steps towards your dream trip

Congratulations! You and your students now have a wealth of creative ideas and strategies to make your dream trip a reality through student fundraising. Remember, fundraising is not just about raising funds but also about building connections, developing skills, and creating unforgettable memories. Start planning your fundraising campaign, engage your community, and leverage social media to spread the word. Before you know it, you'll be on your way to an incredible journey that will shape your future. Good luck, and bon voyage!

Do you have additional ideas for fundraising that has worked for you? Please share and write your ideas in the comments. We would LOVE to hear them!

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Teacher Show Me The World Teacher Show Me The World

Beyond the Classroom: Why Teacher-Led Travel Programs Are the Ultimate Educational Adventure

Beyond the Classroom:Why Teacher Led Travel Programs Are the Ultimate Educational Adventure

Embarking on an educational adventure that goes beyond the four walls of a classroom can provide students with invaluable learning experiences. Teacher-led travel programs offer a unique opportunity for students to gain practical knowledge and expand their horizons while immersing themselves in different cultures.

In these programs, educators serve as guides, leading students to explore fascinating destinations around the world. Whether it's studying ancient history in Rome, practicing language skills in France, or engaging with wildlife in the rainforests of Costa Rica, teacher-led travel programs provide students with hands-on learning that cannot be replicated in a traditional classroom setting. Simply put….travel changes students’ lives.

By participating in these programs, students can develop a deeper understanding of the subjects they are studying. They can witness history come alive, learn directly from local experts, and engage in interactive activities that make learning fun and memorable.

Moreover, teacher-led travel programs foster personal growth and development. Students gain independence, resilience, and global perspective by navigating unfamiliar environments and adapting to new situations. Interacting with people from different backgrounds helps them cultivate tolerance, empathy, and open-mindedness.

In summary, teacher-led travel programs offer the ultimate educational adventure for students, helping them expand their knowledge, skills, and personal growth beyond what can be achieved in the confines of a traditional classroom. WANT to become a teacher who SHOWS YOUR STUDENTS THE WORLD? CLICK HERE to learn how.

Me and my students standing on the Equator in Ecuador.

The importance of experiential learning

In today's ever-changing world, it is essential for students to develop skills that go beyond textbook knowledge. Experiential learning, which emphasizes hands-on experiences and real-world applications, has gained recognition as an effective method of education. By participating in teacher-led travel programs, students have the chance to engage in experiential learning at its finest.

What are teacher-led travel programs?

Teacher-led travel programs are organized educational trips that are led by experienced educators. These programs are designed to provide students with unique learning opportunities outside of the traditional classroom environment. Unlike regular school trips, teacher-led travel programs focus on combining academic learning with cultural immersion, allowing students to truly experience the subjects they are studying.

Benefits of teacher-led travel programs

1. Enhanced Learning Experience: Teacher-led travel programs offer students a chance to witness history come alive, learn directly from local experts, and engage in interactive activities that make learning fun and memorable. Whether it's exploring ancient ruins, practicing language skills with native speakers, or conducting scientific experiments in the field, these programs provide hands-on learning experiences that cannot be replicated in a classroom.

This is a photo of two of my students during a service-learning trip to Ecuador. We spent the day playing games with elementary students from a small Ecuadorian village in the Andes Mountains.

2. Personal Growth and Development: Beyond academic learning, teacher-led travel programs foster personal growth and development. Students gain independence, resilience, and a global perspective by navigating unfamiliar environments and adapting to new situations. Interacting with people from different backgrounds helps them cultivate tolerance, empathy, and open-mindedness.

3. Cultural Immersion: Teacher-led travel programs offer students the opportunity to immerse themselves in different cultures. By experiencing local customs, traditions, and lifestyles firsthand, students gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for the diversity of the world. This cultural immersion helps broaden their perspectives and encourages them to become global citizens.

Destinations for teacher-led travel programs

Teacher-led travel programs can take students to a wide range of destinations around the world. Here are some popular options:

1. Italy: Explore the birthplace of Julius Caesar, Michelangelo, and Marco Polo, and delve into ancient history. Visit iconic cities such as the Rome, Florence, and Venice, and learn about the empire, artists, and explorers that shaped the world.

2. France: Immerse yourself in the French language and culture while exploring the vibrant cities of Paris, Nice, and Lyon. Visit famous landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, and Palace of Versailles, and practice conversational skills with locals.

3. Costa Rica: Venture into the lush rainforests of Costa Rica and discover its rich biodiversity. Engage in hands-on conservation activities, observe exotic wildlife, and learn about sustainable practices that protect the environment.

Vernazza, Italy

(photo by Betsy Rybarczyk)

Planning a teacher-led travel program

Planning a teacher-led travel program requires careful consideration and organization. Here are some key steps to ensure a successful trip:

1. Define the Objectives: Clearly define the educational objectives of the program. Determine what specific learning outcomes you want to achieve and align them with the curriculum.

Bali, Indonesia

2. Select the Destination: Choose a destination that aligns with the educational objectives and offers unique learning opportunities. Consider factors such as safety, accessibility, and cultural relevance.

(photo by Craig Rybarczyk)

3. Design the Itinerary: Create a detailed itinerary that includes academic activities, cultural experiences, and free time for exploration. Ensure a balance between structured learning and independent discovery.

4. Organize Logistics: Take care of logistical aspects such as transportation, accommodation, meals, and necessary permits or visas. Consider partnering with reputable travel agencies or educational tour operators.

5. Communicate with Parents: Keep parents informed about the program details and address any concerns they may have. Provide them with a comprehensive itinerary, emergency contact information, and any necessary paperwork.

Funding options for teacher-led travel programs

Teacher-led travel programs often require funding beyond the regular school budget. In an upcoming Podcast episode of Teacher Show Me the World, I will be interviewing a fundraising guru who is able to have their fundraising events pay for almost all of her students trips. Be sure to listen to this episode.

In the meantime, here are a few funding options to consider:

1. Grants and Scholarships: Research and apply for grants and scholarships specifically designed for educational travel programs. Many organizations offer funding opportunities to support teachers and students in their travel endeavors.

2. Fundraising Activities: Organize fundraising activities within the school community to generate funds for the program. This can include events such as bake sales, car washes, or crowdfunding campaigns.

3. Sponsorship and Partnerships: Seek sponsorship or partnership opportunities with local businesses, community organizations, or educational institutions. They may be willing to provide financial support or resources in exchange for recognition or involvement in the program.

4. Getting a Job: If you students are old enough, encourage them to find a job. Personally, I will always recruit students for one of my trips 18 months or more before the actual departure date. By doing this, I am giving students, who are able, ample amount of time to earn the money that is needed to finance the trip.

5. Crowdfunding: Is a great way for students reach out to loved ones and friends and ask for donations. A fun idea is to ask family and friends to fund the student for particular portions of their trip. For example, if a student is doing a tour of Italy, perhaps they can ask a grandparent to finance their portion for when they are in Florence. The student then suggests a monetary amount for that stretch of the trip, then the student can send a post card, text photos, or buy a souvenir from that location as a personalize “Thank You” for their donation.

Safety and security considerations for teacher-led travel programs

Ensuring the safety and security of students is of utmost importance when organizing teacher-led travel programs. Here are some key considerations:

1. Risk Assessment: Conduct a thorough risk assessment for the chosen destination. Identify potential hazards, assess their likelihood and consequences, and develop appropriate risk mitigation strategies.

2. Emergency Preparedness: Develop a comprehensive emergency plan that includes contact information for local authorities, medical facilities, and embassy or consulate services. Educate students about emergency procedures and make sure they have access to necessary resources.

3. Supervision and Communication: Maintain a suitable student-to-teacher ratio to ensure adequate supervision. Establish protocols for communication and check-ins, both within the group and with parents or guardians back home.

Testimonials from students and teachers who have participated in teacher-led travel programs

Here are three testimonials from some of my former students who have participated on one of my educational trips abroad:

- “This trip became a catalyst for my lifelong commitment to personal growth, reminding me that our journey in life is as much about self-discovery as it is about exploring the world.”

-Chase B.

-“When you travel you are constantly learning with new cultures, experiences, food, and languages. This can be scary sometimes but in real life you have toembrace change to broaden your horizons and live life to the fullest.”

Andrew G.

- “I was able to gain cultural awareness that helped me see the world outside of myself. This later helped inspire me to choose a career field that constantly encourages me to prioritize the needs of others.”

-Noa G.

These former students, now adults, are living testimonies of the invaluable benefits of educational travel.

How teacher-led travel programs enhance the educational experience

Teacher-led travel programs enhance the educational experience in several ways:

1. Contextual Learning: By immersing students in real-world environments, these programs provide context to the subjects they are studying. This helps students make connections between theory and practice, deepening their understanding and retention of knowledge.

Bangkok, Thailand

2. Cultural Competence: Teacher-led travel programs foster cultural competence by exposing students to diverse cultures, customs, and perspectives. This helps them develop respect and appreciation for different ways of life, preparing them to be global citizens in a multicultural world.

(photo by Craig Rybarczyk)

3. Personal Growth: Beyond academic learning, teacher-led travel programs offer invaluable personal growth opportunities. Students develop skills such as adaptability, problem-solving, and intercultural communication, which are essential for success in today's interconnected world.

Conclusion: The transformative power of teacher-led travel programs

Teacher-led travel programs offer students a transformative educational adventure that goes beyond the confines of a traditional classroom. By combining experiential learning, cultural immersion, and personal growth, these programs provide students with invaluable experiences that enhance their knowledge, skills, and global perspective. Through teacher-led travel programs, students can embark on a journey of discovery that will shape their lives and broaden their horizons.

If you want to become a TEACHER WHO SHOWS YOUR STUDENTS THE WORLD then CLICK HERE to get started! Why not start TODAY? The whole world is at you and your students’ doorstep!

Are you already traveling with your students? Then be sure to check out my FREE TRAVEL RESOURCES with loads of free printable resources to help you as you prepare for your trips.

Finally, if you are like me, you love to talk ALL THINGS TRAVEL, so join the TEACHER SHOW ME THE WORLD FACEBOOK GROUP and become a part of our growing community like-minded teachers, while acquiring tips, tricks, and inspiration for your world travel program.

Q & A

Was this blog helpful? Do you have any questions about leading a trip with your students? Maybe you have a fun story to share about traveling with your students? Whatever it may be, feel free to leave a comment below.

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Unleashing the Wanderlust: Why Student Travel Should Be Part of the Your School's Curriculum

Unleashing the Wanderlust: Why Student Travel Should Be a Part of Your School’s Curriculum

Are you ready to embark on a journey of discovery? Imagine a world where students are not confined to the four walls of a classroom but are encouraged to explore the wonders of the world. Welcome to a future where student travel is an integral part of the curriculum. In this article, we will explore why student travel should be embraced, as it offers students invaluable experiences beyond textbooks.

Break free from the four walls of your classroom and bring your subject to life!

Traveling allows students to gain a broader perspective and a deeper understanding of diverse cultures, traditions, and ways of life. It fosters independence, adaptability, and problem-solving skills. Additionally, it enhances their ability to communicate, collaborate, and empathize with individuals from different backgrounds. By experiencing different countries and societies firsthand, students develop a sense of global citizenship and a greater appreciation for diversity.

Moreover, traveling creates lasting memories and instills a lifelong love for exploration and adventure. It encourages curiosity and a thirst for knowledge that extends far beyond the boundaries of a classroom. Student travel ignites the wanderlust within, fueling a passion for learning that cannot be restrained.

So let us unlock the potential of educational travel and understand why it should be an essential part of every student's academic journey. It's time to unleash the wanderlust and embrace the transformative power of student travel.

The importance of student travel

Traveling allows students to gain a broader perspective and a deeper understanding of diverse cultures, traditions, and ways of life. It fosters independence, adaptability, and problem-solving skills. Additionally, it enhances their ability to communicate, collaborate, and empathize with individuals from different backgrounds. By experiencing different countries and societies firsthand, students develop a sense of global citizenship and a greater appreciation for diversity.

Student travel goes beyond just sightseeing; it is an opportunity for students to step out of their comfort zones and challenge themselves. It encourages them to explore new environments, interact with locals, and navigate unfamiliar territories, all of which contribute to personal growth and development. By immersing themselves in different cultures, students become more open-minded, tolerant, and adaptable, qualities that are essential in today's interconnected world.

Benefits of including travel in the curriculum

The impact of travel on personal growth and development is just one of the many benefits of including it in the curriculum. Research has shown that students who participate in travel programs demonstrate improved academic performance. Experiential learning, which is at the core of educational travel, allows students to apply their knowledge in real-world contexts. This hands-on approach not only reinforces classroom learning but also stimulates critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Moreover, travel provides students with unique opportunities to deepen their understanding of various subjects. For instance, history students can walk in the footsteps of ancient civilizations, science students can explore natural wonders, and language students can immerse themselves in foreign cultures. Such experiences bring textbooks to life, making learning more engaging and memorable.

The impact of travel on personal growth and development

In an increasingly globalized world, cultural understanding is crucial. Student travel plays a vital role in fostering cross-cultural communication and empathy. By living and interacting with people from different backgrounds, students gain firsthand experience of diverse perspectives, customs, and traditions. This exposure challenges stereotypes and helps break down barriers, promoting mutual respect and appreciation.

Traveling also provides opportunities for students to learn about social issues and become agents of change. By engaging with local communities, participating in volunteer work, or collaborating on projects, students develop a deeper understanding of global challenges and the importance of social responsibility. They learn to appreciate the interconnectedness of our world and the impact of their actions.

Enhancing cultural understanding through student travel

Make your subject come to life!

Traditional classroom learning can sometimes feel disconnected from the real world. Experiential learning, on the other hand, bridges this gap by allowing students to apply theoretical knowledge in practical settings. Travel programs provide hands-on learning experiences that can significantly enhance academic performance.

For example, science students can conduct field research, collect data, and analyze findings in real-world environments. This not only strengthens their understanding of scientific concepts but also teaches them important research skills. Similarly, history students can visit historical sites, museums, and archives, enabling them to analyze primary sources and develop critical thinking skills. By actively engaging with the subject matter, students develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for the topics they study.

Improving academic performance through experiential learning

Traveling often presents students with challenges that require them to think on their feet and adapt to new situations. Whether it's navigating an unfamiliar city, communicating in a foreign language, or dealing with unexpected circumstances, travel teaches students to be resourceful, resilient, and independent.

These skills are invaluable, not just in travel but also in life. The ability to problem-solve, adapt, and persevere in the face of challenges is essential for success in any field. By exposing students to different environments and situations, travel programs help them develop these crucial life skills.

Overcoming challenges and building resilience through travel

While the benefits of student travel are undeniable, incorporating it into the curriculum requires careful planning and consideration. Schools need to determine the appropriate age groups, destinations, and duration of travel programs. They must also ensure the safety and well-being of students throughout their journeys.

Collaboration with travel agencies, local organizations, and educational institutions can help schools design meaningful and enriching travel experiences. By partnering with experts in the field, schools can ensure that travel programs align with educational objectives and provide students with valuable learning opportunities.

Incorporating travel into the curriculum: practical considerations

One of the challenges schools face when implementing travel programs is funding. However, there are various funding opportunities available for schools to explore. Grants, scholarships, corporate sponsorships, and fundraising initiatives can help alleviate the financial burden associated with student travel.

Schools can also consider involving parents and the local community in supporting travel programs. Crowdfunding platforms and community partnerships can be effective ways to raise funds and garner support for student travel initiatives. With proper planning and resource allocation, schools can make student travel accessible to a wider range of students.

Funding opportunities for student travel programs

Numerous schools around the world have successfully incorporated travel into their curriculum, reaping the benefits of educational travel. For example, a high school in California organizes an annual international service-learning trip, where students engage in community service projects abroad. This program not only enhances students' understanding of global issues but also instills a sense of social responsibility.

In another success story, a primary school in the United Kingdom has integrated travel into its curriculum through virtual travel experiences. Students use virtual reality technology to explore various destinations, learn about different cultures, and engage in interactive educational activities. This innovative approach allows students to travel the world from the comfort of their classrooms, expanding their horizons and broadening their perspectives.

I have had innumerable success stories of taking my students abroad. I have taken students from international, suburban, and urban schools. Each represented a wide variety of socio-economic backgrounds.

Success stories: schools that have implemented travel in their curriculum

As we look to the future of education, it is clear that student travel should be an essential part of every student's academic journey. It offers invaluable experiences that go beyond textbooks, fostering personal growth, academic excellence, and global citizenship. By incorporating travel into the curriculum, schools can unleash the wanderlust within students, igniting a passion for lifelong learning and exploration.

The transformative power of student travel cannot be underestimated. It broadens horizons, breaks down barriers, and instills a sense of curiosity and wonder. Let us embrace the potential of educational travel and provide students with the opportunity to explore, discover, and learn from the world around them. Together, we can unlock the true potential of every student and create a generation of global citizens ready to make a positive impact on the world.

Would you like to lead a trip?

Is this something that you have always wanted to do, but you don’t know where to begin? No worries! That is where Teacher Show Me the World has you covered! You are a simple CLICK AWAY from learning the joys of being a teacher who shows your students the world!

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St. Peter’s Basilica Is a Must See When In Rome!

Be sure to watch this fun and engaging short video I made that shares the history of St. Peter’s Basilica. Don’t forget to do play the quiz game at the end!


St. Peter’s Basilica is the largest cathedral in the world! It is so big that landmarks like the Statue of Liberty, Cinderella’s Castle at Walt Disney World, and the Sphinx in Egypt can all fit inside the center naive of the cathedral. As you can imagine, something this big comes with an even bigger price tag.  In 2021, St. Peter’s Basilica was valued at $11 trillion dollars! But if you ask me, its’ Roman history and beauty are priceless.

In 64 A.D., Rome had a massive fire that destroyed most of the city.  The evil Roman Emperor, Nero, needed to blame someone and Christians became the perfect scapegoat. It was during this time, under the demented rule and fabricated lies of Nero, the Apostle Peter was crucified upside down and buried where his namesake, St. Peter’s Basilica, sits today. Christianity was outlawed throughout the Roman Empire and many Christians were martyred during the history of the early Church. Historians estimate as many as 2 million Christians were killed for their faith over the span of 200 years. In 326, the Roman Emperor, Constantine, became the first Christian ruler and built the first church on the site of Saint Peter’s tomb thus ending the persecution.

St. Peter’s Basilica flourished and became a popular place for Christians to visit from around the world. During the Middle Ages, while on Crusade, knights would stop to pay homage and visit the St. Peter’s Basilica because it was considered such a holy site.

By 1502, St. Peter’s Basilica was in desperate need of a major renovation.  Pope Julius II felt that it was his calling to build a new cathedral.  So….in 1506 construction began.

You might recognize the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle names like Michelangelo and Raphael.  Well….long before they were ever known as cartoon superhero’s, they were artistic geniuses during this time.  Pope Julius II hired Raphael to become the lead architect after the previous architect, Bramante unexpectedly died.

Michelangelo, whose first passion was sculpting, designed the famous dome of St. Peter’s.  Sadly, neither man ever lived to see the completion of their accomplishments due to the fact it took 150 years for St. Peter’s to be completed.

Almost as famous as the cathedral and dome is St Peter’s Square, designed by Bernini. In Matthew 16:9, Jesus says to Peter, "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven.” Bernini took these words quite literally and designed the whole square to be one big skeleton key.

Whenever a new pope is to be chosen, crowds will stand in St. Peter’s square, which holds 300,000 people, awaiting the announcement of who their new pope will be.

All eyes are on the small chimney that protrudes from the roof of the Sistine Chapel. Based upon the color of the smoke determines whether or not a new pope has been chosen. If black smoke appears from the chimney, it means the cardinals did not agree on a new Pope. If the smoke is white, the new pope has been selected and the crowd rejoices over the news. Since Saint Peter’s death, there have been 260 popes who have been chosen.

If you are lucky, you might catch a glimpse of the Pope from his apartment window that overlooks St. Peter’s Square.  On Sundays, the Pope typically appears from his apartment window and will pray over the people standing in the square.

I hope you enjoyed learning about St. Peter’s Basilica and the rich history that surrounds it. Each time I visit Saint Peter’s Basilica and the Vatican, I continue to be in awe of its history, beauty, and grandeur.  If St. Peter’s isn’t on your bucket list as a place that you would like to visit with your students or your own family, then that needs to change.  Rome, the Eternal City, offers an endless amount of things to see and experience and are a MUST SEE for 2023!

If you are have always wanted to take a group of students overseas, but you don’t know where to begin, I would love to hear from you!  I personally am leading a group of 50 students/adults this April 2023 to an 11 day tour to beautiful Italy, and would love to help you make your dream a reality.   Until then……keep showing your students the world!


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Constitution Day…Protecting Our Personal Freedoms for the Next Generation


The Constitution Escape Room Challenge is a fun way for students to engage in learning about the U.S. Constitution..

For years, when September 17 rolls around, I have asked my 10th grade students the question, “What is the difference between the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution?” To my dismay, 75% of my students cannot tell me the difference.  I try not to wear my heart on my sleeve by revealing my shock and disappointment, but it is hard.  How could these students arrive to the age of 16 and not know the difference?  

Somewhere along the way, we have failed the next generation.  As educators, we must be dedicated to teach about the Constitution, not just one day a year, but we must work to integrate it into our daily routines.  After all, the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights protect our personal freedoms.  If students do not know what these documents say, then they are more likely to have their personal freedoms taken away or abused.

The Constitution Escape Room is a fun and engaging game where students interact with the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, by familiarizing themselves with the document while looking for answers to questions.  

As students scavenge through the pages of this wonderful document, they are also challenged to figure out a “code word” that will allow them to “break-free” from the Assembly Hall in Philadelphia where the Constitution was signed on September 17, 1789.  

The Constitution can seem intimidating  for the average student, but through the act of play, students are able to become familiar with the various Articles of the Constitution, and it won’t seem as scary.


U.S. Constitution Day Escape Room Challenge

If you want to be the teacher or parent who teaches the next generation about their personal freedoms and the significance of the Constitution then the Constitution Escape Room Challenge is a fun place to begin.

Do you have a fun activity that you teach that helps your students understand the difference between the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution?  I would love to hear about it.  Please leave a comment below. 

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I Was There….9/11

I remember that bone-chilling day like it was yesterday. My classroom phone rang. I was in the middle of lecturing about the Westward Expansion to a group of 50, 10th graders. I decided that I should stop what I was doing and answer the phone. I lifted the receiver and simply heard the heart-stopping words, “Turn on your TV. New York City is under attack!”

For those of us who were alive that day, we will NEVER FORGET where we were the moment we learned about the terrorist attacks against the Twin Towers. That moment is permanently etched in our minds. 2,996 lives were lost that day, and our world and country has never been the same.

Since that day, as a teacher, each year on September 11, I have honored those that lost their lives that day, by taking my class period to discuss the events that unfolded that fateful morning.

For years, I was able to ask my students the questions, “Where were you on 9/11?” but sadly, enough time has slipped by that we have a new generation of children who weren’t even alive and have absolutely no context for what happened on that day.

As a teacher and historian, I feel it is my duty to NEVER FORGET and to NEVER let my students FORGET. The moments and days immediately following the attacks, I have never seen out country more UNITED. Good tri- umphed over Evil.


As we commemorate the 20th Anniversary of 9/11, we owe it to the 2,996 people who lost their lives that day to continue to retell their story to the next generation.


Our country’s resolve was stronger than ever. It is my hope that through the powerful retelling of the I Was There true story, we are able to focus on what binds us together as Americans, rather than allowing divisiveness to tear us apart.

I Was There 9/11 is the first movie in a powerful and riveting animated series that I have created. They are true stories,  retold by the very people who lived through some of histories most remarkable  and unthinkable events. 

This September 11, 2021 marks the 20th Anniversary of the day that changed our world.  The recent events of Afghanistan are a reminder of what started it all, over 2o years ago.  We who lived and remember that day owe it to the next generation to share our stories and to NEVER FORGET! Be the parent or teacher who continues to honor those who lost their lives that day, 20 years ago, by sharing this video and lesson with the next generation.

Included in this product is a 13 minute animated video told by a woman, Daniella, who witnessed the horrors of September 11, 2001 first hand. As a disclaimer, I know that majority of the people who witnessed the events that day saw horrific things that would not be appropriate for children to hear; however, Daniella’s story is very powerful, but it is also appropriate for middle school aged/high school aged children.

In addition to the video, you will find a Guided Notes Movie Worksheet. You can use this as a tool for students to take notes during the video, or simply as a discussion worksheet at the end of the video. You could also use them for both.

911 September 11 I Was There

Daniella, bravely retells the horrors of that day. In fact, Daniella told me for 20 years she has chosen not to think about the events of that day. However, this experience of retelling her story for the NEXT GENERATION allowed her to heal.

She hopes that the children who hear her story observe the powerful truth from her testimony that GOOD TRIUMPHED OVER EVIL.

Lastly, I believe that the retelling of stories is a powerful tool to make history come alive for our students. Included in this packet is an Interview Worksheet with 10 questions. Questions 1-7 are pre-written, but questions 8-10 have been left blank, so the student can create their own questions to ask. Students will be able to go home and ask an adult, of their choice, to share their 9/11 story. By interviewing someone they know, the student will realize what a pivotal moment in history that day was and how EVERY American was affected. If you were moved by Daniella’s story, please leave a review on my TpT store sharing your thoughts and even thanking Daniella for sharing her story.

I Was There is an animated series of true stories told by the people who lived through some of history’s most incredible events. Be notified when the next, I Was ThThere, video becomes available by following Teacher Show Me the World on TpT. Episode 2 is the powerful story of a child survivor of the Holocaust.

If you were moved by Daniella’s story, would you please comment below, and let me know. I would love to shower Daniella with words of appreciation for what she has done! Just leave a comment below, and I will be sure to relay the messages to her. In addition, if you KNOW someone who witnessed a major event in history and would be a great candidate for the I Was There animated series, please reach out and leave a comment below. I am always looking for inspirational stories to capture for our future generations to hear.

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The Journey to Midnight: A Simulated Reenactment of a Slave’s Flight to Freedom on the Underground Railroad.

We were greeted by deep soulful voices that sang out in perfect melodious harmony. The haunting lyrics of the old spirituals spoke of a time in our history we all wish we could forget. In honor of Black History Month, as a family, we journeyed to "Midnight" the secret code name for the last stop before reaching freedom on the historic Underground Railroad, otherwise known as Detroit.

Our adventure began at the First Congregational Church of Detroit. Once used as a safe house and final resting stop, this church represents thousands of unsung heroes that risked everything to help fight the abolitionist cause. Below is a description of our experience and what you can expect from this simulated experience.

Here is a picture of our “Runaways” moments after they achieved freedom.  It is so important to teach our children about our past, so we can help shape our futures.  Thankfully, slavery is illegal, but horrifically, it continues to this day.  There …

Here is a picture of our “Runaways” moments after they achieved freedom. It is so important to teach our children about our past, so we can help shape our futures. Thankfully, slavery is illegal, but horrifically, it continues to this day. There are more people currently enslaved around the world, than the 400 years the Trans-Atlantic slave trade operated. We should learn from the brave men and women from our past, and we should all become modern-day abolitionists!

Once you arrive, you are greeted by an amazing woman named Michelle. This regal lady has been volunteering at the museum for many years, is passionate about the cause she represents, and incredibly eager to share the history of the church's role during the Underground Railroad. After paying, we were led into a beautiful Baroque revival chapel, where we sat with other people waiting for the tour.

Due to the size of the living museum, people are placed in individual groups of thirteen and when ready a "Conductor" from the Underground Railroad will call you to join him. While you are waiting for your groups turn, you watch a very thorough documentary revealing the various horrors from this regrettable time in our history; the very reason why it is essential that we celebrate Black History Month and never forget.

When it was our turn, our Conductor "Zeke" transported us to another time. We were led down the old musty stairs into the deep cavernous lair of what becomes the starting point of your journey to freedom. Tucked away in the deep bayous of New Orleans, Zeke leads you to a small hovel of a shed where "Granny" is there to bestow a prayer over you before you head out on your treacherous journey to freedom. The simulated experience is full of actors playing various roles. Some act as adversaries, others as friends, but through it all, Zeke is with you guiding you to Midnight and your ultimate freedom Heaven (Canada) by way of crossing the imposing Detroit River.

Along the way, you learn about different signals that are left behind to let the wary traveler know which way to go to freedom and whether or not the path is safe, such as lanterns in windows, quilts draped on front porches, or directions carved in trees. One such signal is two boots placed toe-to-heal. This would be a signal that all was clear and safe to proceed. This imperative trail marker would be left as a "green flag" by a local inn/tavern-keeper named Finney. He would entice slave bounty hunters into his tavern and offer them a "generous" amount of whiskey, which would allow the other abolitionists to help the runaway slaves enter or leave the designated safe house unnoticed. Because of Finney's quick thinking, many slaves escaped to freedom.

Detroit was a major Line for the Underground Railroad. Slaves would follow the North Star in hope of finding freedom.  Sadly, after the Fugitive Slave Act was passed in 1850, just being in the North did not guarantee their freedom.  Slaves were capt…

Detroit was a major Line for the Underground Railroad. Slaves would follow the North Star in hope of finding freedom. Sadly, after the Fugitive Slave Act was passed in 1850, just being in the North did not guarantee their freedom. Slaves were captured by bounty hunters and forcibly returned to their “masters.” That is why, Detroit played such a pivotal role in the final escape to freedom, Canada.

Our final stretch led us to the banks of the Detroit River. Freedom was so close, yet so far. Zeke reminded us that the majority of the people crossing did not know how to swim, so even in their last ditched effort to achieve freedom, they had one last perilous journey to make. Many reached the figurative Heaven, known as Canada, but sadly, many did not succeed; they were swallowed by the unforgiving current of the river.

As we "fought" the current, while finally reaching the other side of the river, Zeke led us in a chorus of voices rising up to chant the words, “FREEDOM! FREEDOM! FREEDOM!"



The overall experience was very good. I would like to share the pros and cons of our escape to freedom. As a history teacher and mama who is passionate about teaching my children TRUE history, I believe that it was a day well spent.


  • In honor of Black History month, this is a great day trip to learn about the Underground Railroad and the role that Michigan played within the abolitionist movement.

  • The actors are phenomenal! They stay in character through the entire tour and transport you into history.

  • It is an easy drive and very easy to find, which makes it a fun day trip for any history-loving family. Before you go, I would recommend preparing your children. A couple of good books that do a great job retelling the history of the Underground Railroad are What Was the Underground Railroad? and Who Was Harriet Tubman? These are kid-friendly non-fiction books that I read to my kiddos before we made our journey to “Midnight,” and I know that it brought more meaning to their experience.


  • I don't like pointing out any negatives because the whole experience is so powerful, but there are a few downsides to consider, especially for families with young children. Unfortunately, the conductors can only travel with thirteen people at a time. That means the rest of the 50 plus people are waiting in the chapel until it is their turn to make the journey. In an attempt to entertain their guests, they offer a very lengthy and "dry" documentary for the audience to watch while they wait. I am a history teacher, so I could fully appreciate the documentary, but after having to sit and wait for an hour, my two small children were polite and respectful, but definitely wiggly and ready to go.

  • The Escape to Freedom simulation is very realistic; you need to make sure that your child is not easily scared. In all honesty, I am having some Mama's regret because after the experience my son shared with me that he was quite scared. Most of the journey is in the dark with only minimal light. There are people along the path that are meant to emulate an authentic experience; the path to freedom could be scary, and this experience reminds you of that. Small children could be too scared.

  • No photos or videos allowed! This was a HUGE disappointment. My husband is a professional photographer, so I was really looking forward to him capturing our experience, but alas, we were not allowed. I guess the good thing was, we were fully engaged in the moment, not worrying about whether or not we got a “good” shot.


We visited on a Saturday, so the cost of the experience was slightly more expensive than if we had visited on a weekday. The museum is open Tuesday-Saturday. Here is a link to their website which includes pricing and the best time to visit.

I would encourage the next time you are looking for something to enrich your family’s historical knowledge, pay a visit to The Underground Railroad Living Museum and don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated on other really cool places to visit, explore, and experience.

Until our next adventure,


Did you enjoy the blog? Do you have another questions about the experience? Have you ever been before and can offer some additional insight? Then please leave a comment below. Thanks so much!

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The Powerful Bond Between A Boy And His Mama

Have you ever bothered to see what historical figure shares your birthday? My son is about to transition into double digits in a few weeks on March 6, and I have been feeling extremely sentimental over this significant milestone. I decided I wanted to see if there was any person from history who perhaps shared my son's birthday.

Considering all the people in the world, both past and present, I was quite surprised to encounter that my son shares his birthday with the great Renaissance artist Michelangelo. Upon discovering this truth, I started to examine the shared commonalities between my son and this giant from the annals of Italian history; I was surprised to find out they have a lot in common.


There is nothing more my son loves than to be working with his hands creating something....anything. From miniature worlds made solely of things in nature to watching animals in their natural habitat and recreating them on canvas, creativity permeates every ounce of my son's being. In many ways, he represents a 10-year-old 21st Century Renaissance Man. Michelangelo would be proud.

Beyond the shared traits of creativity and love for the arts, they both share an immense bond; their love for their Mamas.


I will never forget standing in front of Michelangelo's famed masterpiece, La Pieta, in St. Peter's Basilica, in Vatican City. While admiring the legendary piece of artwork, my guide interrupted my thoughts by telling a story that stopped me in my tracks.

As a young boy, Michelangelo was raised by a loving mother and father. His relationship with his mama was unusually strong; a love that can only be understood between a son and his mama. The very same relationship I share with my sweet boy. However, when he was at the tender age of six, his mother fell fatally ill. This event shaped Michelangelo and would mark a pivotal moment in his life, one that, quite arguably, he would never recover.

While gazing at the pensive face of Mary, as she holds the limp body of Christ, her very son, my guide goes on to reveal, that legend has it, the face of Mary depicts the face of Michaelangelo's mother, according to his memories as a boy. In addition, carved delicately in the opened palm of her left hand, in tribute, Michaelangelo, carved the simple and profound word, "Mama."

Choking back tears, I was deeply moved by this beautiful tribute that a historical giant, such as Michaelangelo, was just a boy, grieving the loss of his mama. If you have a son, whether you realize it or not, your influence in his life, as a mama, will go beyond his childhood; it will shape the future man, husband, and daddy he may become. Cherish this honored role. Work to build a bond that will never be broken in the hopes that you are raising the next great historical figure who could very well go on to change the world.

Do you share that same bond with your son(s)? I would love for you to share a testimony, in the comments below, of the unique bond between a mother and her son.

If you have always wanted to visit the masterpieces of Renaissance artists such as Da Vinci, Michelangelo, or Raphael join my family as we explore beautiful Italy!

Click here to learn more about our March 2021 trip to Italy.



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Bella Italia

Ponte Vecchio -Florence, Italy

Ponte Vecchio -Florence, Italy

I have been blessed to have traveled to over forty-eight countries across six continents, yet there is just one country that continues to capture my heart and imagination; beautiful Italy.

Whether I am wandering the narrow Medieval streets of Assisi, the romantic alleyways of Venice, or the bustling boulevards of Rome, Italy never ceases to amaze me. Every time I visit , I discover something new.

vasari corridor plan.jpg

As a history teacher, I devour nuggets of little known facts and historical details; filing these hidden gems away into my human hard drive is a personal passion of mine. When traveling, discovering fascinating tidbits becomes as rewarding as a treasure hunt. Whether it is your first time traveling to Italy or your fifteenth, here are some fun facts that will deepen your appreciation when you visit these national artistic and architectural landmarks.


You cannot travel to Italy without taking a few days to savor the artistic master pieces of the birth-place of the Renaissance. Florence is an essential stop on any Italian itinerary. Every winding turn peels back a layer of history waiting to be discovered by the curious traveler. When visiting Florence, you cannot escape the ever-present influence from Florence’s most powerful Renaissance families, de’Medici.

The de' Medici family controlled, shaped and monopolized all aspects of Florentine life:  government, commerce, art, society, culture, and architecture.  One of the family's lasting legacies is a secret corridor that most tourists walk past, unknowingly, everyday.  Commissioned by Cosimo de Medici, in 1564, the Vasari Corridor, designed by, Giorgio Vasari, connects the Palazzo Pitti to Palazzo Vecchio. This elevated corridor, which is nearly 1 kilometer in length, snakes its way unassumingly through the streets of Florence.  Sadly, most tourists walk directly under the secret corridor never realizing the historical gem that looms above their heads. 

The de' Medici's used the secret corridor to walk to their offices, known in Italian as, the Uffizi's.  Every day they would walk above the streets of Florence.  Legend has it, they would use the corridor to avoid such things as curious onlookers; eavesdrop on the local patrons as they went about their day, and even to avoid any enemies that may pose as a potential threat.

To accommodate the corridor, the beloved Ponte Vecchio, the famous artisan bridge that crosses over the Arno River, was forced to convert from a butchers' bridge to a goldsmith's lane; thus, eradicating any offensive odor that the Medici's may encounter. 

After centuries of use, the Vasari Corridor took on a new role in history.  In 1938 Benito Mussolini was at the peak of his fascist rule, and he desperately wanted to impress his formidable ally,  Adolf Hitler.  In preparation of Hitler's visit to Florence, Mussolini commanded that a gallery of full-length windows be carved out into the west wall of the corridor.  Mussolini wanted to make sure that Hitler would have the best view overlooking Florence even if it meant compromising the historical integrity of the original structure.  Well...it worked.  

Hitler was so mesmerized by the beauty overlooking the city, that when he knew he was destined to lose the war, and the Ally forces were advancing towards Florence; Hitler ordered that every bridge, save for the Ponte Vecchio, be bombed; thus, saving Florence's cherished gem.  

The next time you find yourself in Florence allow yourself to be curious, and go beyond the typical attractions.  Let history be your tour guide. Also, make sure that you look up because you never know what sort of secret treasures may be lurking in the most unexpected locations. 

Have you ever dreamed of visiting Italy with your kiddos? Join our family as we world school together. Click on the link to learn all about our next trip to Italy.

Do you have any questions, or fun travel tips for families who world school? We would love to hear from you. Leave a comment below.

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