I Was There….9/11

I remember that bone-chilling day like it was yesterday. My classroom phone rang. I was in the middle of lecturing about the Westward Expansion to a group of 50, 10th graders. I decided that I should stop what I was doing and answer the phone. I lifted the receiver and simply heard the heart-stopping words, “Turn on your TV. New York City is under attack!”

For those of us who were alive that day, we will NEVER FORGET where we were the moment we learned about the terrorist attacks against the Twin Towers. That moment is permanently etched in our minds. 2,996 lives were lost that day, and our world and country has never been the same.

Since that day, as a teacher, each year on September 11, I have honored those that lost their lives that day, by taking my class period to discuss the events that unfolded that fateful morning.

For years, I was able to ask my students the questions, “Where were you on 9/11?” but sadly, enough time has slipped by that we have a new generation of children who weren’t even alive and have absolutely no context for what happened on that day.

As a teacher and historian, I feel it is my duty to NEVER FORGET and to NEVER let my students FORGET. The moments and days immediately following the attacks, I have never seen out country more UNITED. Good tri- umphed over Evil.


As we commemorate the 20th Anniversary of 9/11, we owe it to the 2,996 people who lost their lives that day to continue to retell their story to the next generation.


Our country’s resolve was stronger than ever. It is my hope that through the powerful retelling of the I Was There true story, we are able to focus on what binds us together as Americans, rather than allowing divisiveness to tear us apart.

I Was There 9/11 is the first movie in a powerful and riveting animated series that I have created. They are true stories,  retold by the very people who lived through some of histories most remarkable  and unthinkable events. 

This September 11, 2021 marks the 20th Anniversary of the day that changed our world.  The recent events of Afghanistan are a reminder of what started it all, over 2o years ago.  We who lived and remember that day owe it to the next generation to share our stories and to NEVER FORGET! Be the parent or teacher who continues to honor those who lost their lives that day, 20 years ago, by sharing this video and lesson with the next generation.

Included in this product is a 13 minute animated video told by a woman, Daniella, who witnessed the horrors of September 11, 2001 first hand. As a disclaimer, I know that majority of the people who witnessed the events that day saw horrific things that would not be appropriate for children to hear; however, Daniella’s story is very powerful, but it is also appropriate for middle school aged/high school aged children.

In addition to the video, you will find a Guided Notes Movie Worksheet. You can use this as a tool for students to take notes during the video, or simply as a discussion worksheet at the end of the video. You could also use them for both.

911 September 11 I Was There

Daniella, bravely retells the horrors of that day. In fact, Daniella told me for 20 years she has chosen not to think about the events of that day. However, this experience of retelling her story for the NEXT GENERATION allowed her to heal.

She hopes that the children who hear her story observe the powerful truth from her testimony that GOOD TRIUMPHED OVER EVIL.

Lastly, I believe that the retelling of stories is a powerful tool to make history come alive for our students. Included in this packet is an Interview Worksheet with 10 questions. Questions 1-7 are pre-written, but questions 8-10 have been left blank, so the student can create their own questions to ask. Students will be able to go home and ask an adult, of their choice, to share their 9/11 story. By interviewing someone they know, the student will realize what a pivotal moment in history that day was and how EVERY American was affected. If you were moved by Daniella’s story, please leave a review on my TpT store sharing your thoughts and even thanking Daniella for sharing her story.

I Was There is an animated series of true stories told by the people who lived through some of history’s most incredible events. Be notified when the next, I Was ThThere, video becomes available by following Teacher Show Me the World on TpT. Episode 2 is the powerful story of a child survivor of the Holocaust.

If you were moved by Daniella’s story, would you please comment below, and let me know. I would love to shower Daniella with words of appreciation for what she has done! Just leave a comment below, and I will be sure to relay the messages to her. In addition, if you KNOW someone who witnessed a major event in history and would be a great candidate for the I Was There animated series, please reach out and leave a comment below. I am always looking for inspirational stories to capture for our future generations to hear.


Constitution Day…Protecting Our Personal Freedoms for the Next Generation


The Journey to Midnight: A Simulated Reenactment of a Slave’s Flight to Freedom on the Underground Railroad.