How to Choose the Best Chaperones for Your Next Trip and Define Their Role and Expectations While on Tour

Chaperones can make or break the success of your world travel program. Who should you choose for your chaperones? What resposibilities should they have?

This episode will cover all of the ins and outs of who is qualified to be a chaperone, and what sort of personality traits make the best chaperones. In addition, I will go over specific roles that are crucial for every chaperone to fulfill.

Chaperones wear multiple hats during educational travel. They act as liaisons between students, group leaders, and the local guides, ensuring effective communication and coordination. They help students navigate unfamiliar territories, providing guidance and support along the way. Chaperones also play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and well-being of students, addressing any emergencies or unexpected challenges that may arise during the trip.

Free Chaperone’s Guide

Surround yourself and your students with the very BEST Chaperones! This episode will share some of the responsibilities that chaperones will have leading up to the trip and while on tour. Prepare your chaperones with everything they will need to know about their job expectations. From the day your group departs, to all of the days on tour, until you finally arrive home, this FREE GUIDE will help your chaperones be a blessing and not a burden while on tour.

Be sure to listen to the entire podcast to gain all the insight and know how on chaperone best practices.

Have you always wanted to travel the world with your students , but you don’t know where to begin? CLICK HERE to learn how to take your students on an adventure of a lifetime!

Are you already a teacher who shows your students the world? Be sure to check out these free educational travel resources to help you show your students the world.

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