Episode 1: Why I Show My Students the World

In this episode, I share a little bit about myself and how travel has shaped who I am as a person and ultimately as a history teacher. Starting from a very young age, I was captivated by the world of travel. As a lover of history, all I wanted to do was experience the places that I learned about, and be able to retrace the footsteps of history and to breath in the cultures I encountered.

I have traveled to 49 countries (still trying to figure out which country will be my 50th) spanning 6 continents, (I am on the fence about going to Antarctica; I am from Michigan, so I KNOW winter) and I have lived and taught in London, Prague, and Malaysia.

It is because of my personal passion of travel and the value that it has brought me, that it has become my personal mission to be the sort of teacher who breaks free from the confines of the four walls of my classroom and SHOW MY STUDENTS THE WORLD!

Currently, students are sitting in their desks and “dying on the vine” because of lack of engagement and experiential learning. It is my goal and passion to start a revolution within the world of education and help educators to step out beyond the four walls of their classroom and make education come to life and to change their students lives forever.

I am inviting you on this journey, so please join me by becoming a TEACHER WHO SHOWS YOUR STUDENTS THE WORLD!

CLICK HERE to learn how to take your students on an adventure of a lifetime!

Are you already a teacher who shows your students the world? Be sure to check out these free educational travel resources to help you show your students the world.

Join our FaceBook Group of like-minded teachers and connect, learn from and be inspired by other teachers who show their students the world.


Episode 2: Fundraising Ideas for Students to Travel Abroad