Discovering Hidden Gems While on Tour

Quite often, while on tour, you will have a window of time during the middle of the day that leaves you the chance to break from your schedule and do something unexpected and spontaneous. When these opportunities knock, I like to to share hidden historical gems or local favorites with my travelers to give them an off-tour experience.

Because I love to travel so much, people are always asking me, “What is your favorite country?” and each time I am asked, I continue to have the same reply……Italy. Italy never ceases to amaze me and continues to captivate me each time I visit.

There is a treasure in Florence, Italy that the average tourist has no idea it exists; it hides in plain view. In this episode, I will share the story of one of Florence’s best kept secrets, that if given the chance, you will want to make sure you and your travelers take advantage of your free-time in Florence and pay it a visit.

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